15) Quality Time

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With Slade incapacitated, life went back to normal at Titan's Tower. Nightwing however was still concerned about Beast Boy's mental state.

He tried talking to the shape-shifter about it, but Beast Boy only said the same thing. That he had done what no one else was willing to.

Nightwing had told the Titans to keep an eye on Beast Boy, to make sure that the chemicals hadn't changed his personality.

"Dude!" Beast Boy flailed his arms as Cyborg stood in front of him with a thermometer. "There's nothing wrong with me!"

"You almost killed Slade, Gar," Cyborg replied. "Richard just wants to make sure that..."

"That what?" Beast Boy crossed his arms. "That I haven't gone psycho?"

"Well when you put it that way," Cyborg considered. "Yeah."

"Vic, I'm not psycho," Beast Boy huffed. "Slade's the psycho, and he was going to hurt Raven. There was no way I was going to let that happen."

"Exactly how much control do you have over the beast?" Nightwing joined the conversation. "If you don't have control over it, and it gets out..."

"I got news for you, Richard," Beast Boy pointed at the Titan's leader. "I have complete control."

"So that time when you couldn't remember what happened?" Nightwing frowned.

"Dude," Beast Boy scoffed. "That was like the first time I ever became the beast. I didn't have access to my primal brain."

"And now?" Nightwing asked.

"We both know if I wasn't in control you'd be dead right now instead of just wincing," Beast Boy growled.

"You see it is comments like that that's got us worried Gar," Cyborg pointed out.

"I'm just sick of everyone treating me like the bad guy," Beast Boy bellowed. "I took down Slade and now everyone is questioning me! What gives?"

"You are not yourself," Starfire joined the conversation.

"You have no idea who I am!" Beast Boy snarled.

"Get away from her!" Nightwing stepped smoothly in front of Beast Boy.

"Why are you all acting like I'm going to hurt someone?" Beast Boy asked.

"Because you're dangerous," Nightwing frowned. "There's a primal side to you that doesn't answer to anyone."

"It's Slade!" Beast Boy exclaimed. "He's a criminal!"

"You have to get control Garfield!" Nightwing replied.

"He is in control," everyone turned to see Raven. "Garfield is not a threat to anyone on this team."

"It's not Garfield that concerns me," Nightwing replied. "It's the beast. You saw what he did to Slade."

"You seem to be forgetting that without that beast I might not be here," Raven frowned.

"Glad to know someone's on my side," Beast Boy smiled.

"Don't get used to it," Raven replied. The Titans exited, leaving Raven and Beast Boy alone.

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