14) Hero

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Raven watched as Slade went flying past her. The beast came hulking over to her. He nuzzled her gently with his nose. Raven scratched behind his ears, and the beast made an odd purring noise.

Raven looked into his wild eyes. She understood this beast. She knew that the other Titans thought that all of Beast Boy's power came from the beast, but it was the other way around.

The beast was a primal reflection of Beast Boy's power. That's why the beast was the most powerful form he had, because it was all his power channelled into a primal form. The beast stared at her intently.

"I'm okay," she assured him. The beast relaxed, and nuzzled her again. Then he whipped around, catching Slade trying to escape. Blood spurted out of the villain, and the beast stood over-top of Raven growling.

"You are both very similar aren't you?" Slade asked. "You both have this great power lurking inside you. The difference is only one of you lets it out."

Raven narrowed her eyes. Everyone knew how dangerous it would be if her inner demon got out. The beast growled at Slade, baring his huge teeth. Slade struggled to his feet.

The beast coiled, ready to strike. "Interesting to see this beast only emerges when Raven is in danger." Slade brought out his bow-staff, and advanced on the snarling beast.

The beast let out a howl that stopped Slade in his tracks. The primal nature of this creature was incredible. Slade wondered how much control Beast Boy had of this form.

The beast was only an inch away, its hot breath on Slade's mask. Slade could see the raw power behind every rippling muscle. This form was different from the others that Beast Boy used.

While, as a tiger or dinosaur, Beast Boy did have power, this beast was different.

Instead of Beast Boy using an elephant or gorilla or snake for power, this beast was a reflection of Beast Boy's direct power.

What unnerved Slade was that the purpose for this power was not to save the team, but rather only Raven. This beast would stop at nothing to protect her. It was completely wild.

The beast backed away, keeping its eyes on Slade. It returned to its defensive position over-top of Raven. It was an odd scene. She looked so small and helpless next to this huge wild beast. 

Ironically, there was no place safer for her to be. Slade knew it, the Titans knew it, and Raven knew it. This beast would die before it let anything happen to her.

For the first time in his life, Slade doubted that he could take down the enemy. Frowning, he leaped forward.

The beast howled and pushed Raven to the side before slashing his claws through the bow-staff. Slade's lengthened the two bow-staffs and brought them down on the beast's head.

The beast let out a howl, and swiped at Slade again. The villain jumped out of the way towards Raven. The beast's wild eyes narrowed, and he pounced on Slade.

Then he tore at Slade with his claws. Blood poured from the villain.

"Beast Boy!" Raven bellowed. "Stop!"

The beast looked down at the now half-dead Slade. He snorted, picked up the villain and headed over to where the other Titans were standing goggle-eyed.

He dropped the bleeding Slade at Nightwing's feet, and padded off towards Raven. Nightwing poked Slade with his bow-staff. Slade didn't move. The beast nuzzled Raven gently.

Raven patted his massive head. The beast pounced on her gently, catching her in his paws, and hugging her against his chest. Raven chuckled as she sat on his massive chest.

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