The following Wednesday.

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I open my eyes and adjust to the lighting. I love Reki's room, sunbeams through his window blinds and lights the room, and the sound of birds chirping outside are relaxing in the morning. I smile into his soft pillow. My apartment room faces the west, so most mornings are dark and chilly. I stare at Reki, who softly snores and peacefully rests in my arms, close to me. I feel my face heat up a bit. We... kissed last night. We kissed twice. Oh man, is he going to talk about it? I'm scared he'll say it was a mistake and hate me- no, Reki wouldn't do that, if he didn't like it he'd just be confused or distant, not be rude. Oh man, oh god what now?

As I panic I continue staring at him, I calm down. It's fine Langa. If he brings it up we'll talk about it, if not then we can pretend that didn't happen. It's not a big deal. I take a deep breath and grab my phone. Just don't be weird.

I blink as the bright light shines on my face. 9:34 am I sigh. Two missed messages from mom, a text from my cousin, and a weather notification, not a lot.

I open the messages, My mom texted me good night and good morning; I respond so she knows I'm okay. My cousin asked what I was doing and I told her I was with a friend, I got rid of my alerts and played a game on my phone for a while.

"Langa...?" Reki's groggy voice spoke out from my chest.

I startle and look at him a bit lost for words. "Good morning," I say as nonchalantly as I can.

"Heh, hey!" He smiled, rubbing his eyes and pushing away from me to sit up. "How long were you awake?

"Not too long," I look at the time, 9:49 am "Only a couple minutes. Did I wake you?"

"Nah," He got up and stretched while yawning. "You gonna go home or you wanna stay and make some pancakes with me." He grins devilishly.

"I'm down for pancakes." I smile as I get up. He grabs my hand and drags me to the kitchen. So far he's acting normally, it's painfully average how we're acting. Does he remember?

He starts mixing the pancake mixture and I heat up the stove. "How many do you want?" He asked.

"I'm fine with any amount," I answered and he groaned.

He stopped mixing and looked over at what I was doing. "You're so boring. Hey, I think I have some strawberries if you want some."

"Sure!" He went over to his fridge and started humming. "Got them!" He held them up triumphantly, he wore his apron and stupid chef hat with pride.

"[You look like a housewife.]" I say in English. I giggle and he stares at me pissed.

"What'd you say?" He asks annoyed.

"Nothing." I try to hold back a smile and look away.

"You made fun of me didn't you!" He picked up a strawberry and threw it at me.

I threw my hands up to defend myself. "No! No! I would never" I laugh while he throws more berries at me. "Stop you're wasting our Strawberries!" We both start to laugh and giggle.

"You're the worst." He mumbles while smiling. He walks over to stand next to me and nudges me while he pours the mixture into the pan.

We stay silent and enjoy each other's presence for a while. He clears his throat.

"Can you hand me the spatula?" He looks up at me, a little distraught but trying to hide his emotions. He remembers, he doesn't know how to approach it.

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