One Last Moment.

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"Reki..." I whisper and reach my arm out to feel him. There's nothing there. I peek my eyes open and slightly gasp to be greeted by an empty bed. "Reki?" I sit up and look around, I feel startled. This is the first time I've woken up without him next to me. I miss his face and begin to get out of bed, searching for him.

"Hey!" Reki stumbles in with a plate of food. "Since it's our last day I wanted to do something special! Lay back down, Don't get up! I was hoping I'd be done preparing the food before you woke up but-" I hug him. "eh? Langa."

"You should've woken me, I would've loved to help."

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise." He sits beside me and sets the plate in my lap. "Here. I tried my hardest on the rice but I've always been bad at making it."

"You really need to invest in a rice cooker, they're so much better." I stuff my face with his food.

"Whatever." He takes a bite of his plate.

I swallow my food. "Thank you, Reki." He looks away, red tinting his cheeks.

"Geez, dude." We sit in silence and finish eating, enjoying each others presence.

"Langa, y'know I really really like you." Reki spoke calmly as he looks down at his half eaten food.

Langa felt some blush creep on his face, he watched as Reki pursed his lips and his cheeks became noticeably red. He loved that about Reki; he could never hide the sprawled off red that appears on his cheeks and ears.

"I know, Reki." Langa smiled. "You have no idea how much hearing that means to me." Reki turned his eyes to Langa and they shared each others gazes.

"The other day when I was upset and lame and everything. I'm sorry you had to see me like that." Reki spoke with slight shame, but ended the sentence with a slight chuckle.

Langa hated that Reki felt bad for showing his emotions, he hates that he doesn't know what to feel.

"Reki... You don't need to feel bad. I know how you feel and how scary it all is. I get it, but I'm always gonna be here for you." Langa reached over and placed his hand on top of Reki's and set us plate aside. "I'm always gonna listen when you're confused or upset man, it's what I'm here for."

Reki smiled and leaned in towards Langa, giving him a kiss. This time, neither of them pulled away. Reki placed his hand against Langa's cheek and they shared the exchange for a few more moments before one of them pulled away slightly. Langa could feel Reki's breath against him.

"Langa, I really, really like you." Reki's hand on Langa's cheek righted slightly. "Will you please be my boyfriend." He said it with a slight hesitation and doubt. Scared for a reply.

"Reki that's all I want." Langa leaned back in and kissed him again, this time with more force. Langa pushed Reki back and they both fumbled onto his bed that has hoodies and blankets thrown messily overtop it.

Reki chuckled as they hit the cushions. "Langa calm down!"

"You're my boyfriend, Reki!" Langa smiled into Reki's neck.

"Oh, Langa.." Reki hugged Langa as they embraced on his bed.


Reki turned the water off from his shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and messily drying his hair; inspecting the length and determining it is time for a trim.

"Reki! I got you that aloe vera gel. I wasn't sure which one cause there were two-" Langa walked into the bathroom holding up two bottle of different gels. "But I can't read what the things say... so I didn't know which one you wanted." Langa sighed with defeat as he set them both down on the counter.

Reki messed with his hair in the mirror making it spike up in funky positions with the water. "They're the same it doesn't matter." Reki assured his boyfriend.

"Shit Reki you weren't lying about the sun burns on your back, those are bad." Langa winced at the sight of them.

Reki snorted, "well yeah I wasn't lying. Here help me get this stuff on, it's super sticky."

Langa helped apply the gel to Reki as they sat down.

"What do you plan on telling your mom?" Reki broke the momentary silence.

Langa paused. "What do you mean? About us?"

"Yeah, I mean. Are you gonna tell her?" Reki loses confidence as he speaks, quieting his voice near the end of his question.

"Psh, of course. She'll be happy. She always knew I liked you and she thinks you're great."

Reki's face light up. "Really?"

"Reki, cmon she always has liked you. But what about your mom? Do you even know if she'd be okay with it?" Langa asked a bit concerned.

Reki smiled to himself. "I think she always knew. She's talked about us maybe dating before but I always thought she was just trying to mess with me. Deep down I think she'll be relieved."

Langa finished with the gel and washed his hands. "That's good..."

"Langa?" Reki looked up at him as he dried off his hands.


"Come kiss me." Reki grinned.

Langa looked down at him a bit taken aback but eagerly obliged with haste.

They stared at eachother and smiled. Finally, Langa broke the silence, "so what are we gonna do today?"

The End.

{holy shit you guys wow! It's been... a long time! A lot has happened since I last wrote on here. For one, I got a girlfriend, as of now we've been dating for 10 months and I've never been happier and more in love. I still love all these characters but I actually downloaded wattpad again to find fanfiction for Bapweaver from Overwatch just to find that no one has written ANY?! That's insane they're actually my favorite couple ever. I found my old story here and reread it and thought how cruel it was to never leave y'all with an ending. I'm sorry about that, it might be short and sloppy but here y'all go. Should I write more fanfiction? I'm really tempted. Anyways have a great day to anyone who is reading this, calm readings! <3}

A Week With You. (Renga)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें