That Tuesday Night.

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Ever since I moved to Okinawa, I've noticed some changes in myself. For one, I've started opening up more to people than I previously had. I've always been a bit anxious and too nervous to be myself, but, even with people I'm not yet comfortable with, I find myself being more out there. I found a family, friends that I would do anything for; it sorta helped me find myself.

Surprisingly, Miya is the first and only friend I've come out to. Other than my Mom, cousin, and one of my friends from Canada, Miya is someone I was open with privately in Japan. I never imagined I'd actually come out to someone so soon, especially Miya considering we aren't even super close. I think it shocked me more than him, though. It was in the moment so I hadn't really meant to tell him, but I'm glad I did. He was talking to me about stress and his emotions and we ended up just talking about friendships, feelings, and advice.

It's been around a year and a half since I've moved here. I'm comfortable, I feel safe and honest when I'm with my friends, Reki is who I trust the most. He and I have a special bond I never imagined was possible, and though we never talk about emotional things like that, we understand that we need and rely heavily on each other; he means the world to me. I wish I could tell him that, but it's too sappy for us. I'm happy either way, whether I tell him how much he means to me or not. I don't usually stress around him, I get nervous and worry about what he thinks of me, sure– but usually, I feel safe, even if I feel embarrassed or upset about something I did he wouldn't care, he wouldn't hold it against me, he wouldn't judge me and I know that. That's some bond that's so special and sweet that I can't not ignore it. There's so much I want to say to Reki that he already knows.

Summer startled us, exams happened, and then suddenly a break from school. Reki and I were together all school year so we never really noticed how much time had passed. I was kind of shocked when the very first night of break he texted me saying he missed me and we had to hang out soon. It was bittersweet knowing he thought about me but we weren't together.

Maybe half a week in, I awake to a phone call from none other than Reki.

I groggily answer."Hello?"

I rub my eyes and yawn. "Langa!" I was greeted with a half laugh half shout. I could feel his smile through the phone and that caused me to smile.

"Hey, Reki, What's up?"

"Big cool news I gotta tell ya! Are you home?" He was outside, I could hear some cars honking in the distance.

"Huh– Oh yeah, I just woke up, you wanna come over?" I asked confused as if he was planning on it, not as an invitation but for some context.

"Yup!" I hear him open and close a door. "I'm already in your apartment complex!"

Shit. I look around my messy room. "Wait– like here-here?"

"Yeah, Is it alright if I go to your apartment, or is your mom not okay with it?' He asked a little downheartedly.

I bite my cheek. "No, no it's okay. My room is-"

"391! I remember, I'm getting on the elevator right now."

Shit! I look over at my clothes pile and quickly pick it up and shove it in my hamper. I grab my cold half-eaten cup o' noodles and throw it in my kitchen trash can. My mom is on the counter filling out some work on her laptop.

"Oh– Morning Langa! You're up early." She smiles at me as I rush to splash water on my face.

"Reki's coming!" I whisper yell.

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