Author note

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Hello wonderful people this is the first story I've  EVER made public so please enjoy but a few things you may need to know

this will spoil the show if you haven't watched it. when you join the class it's like episode 7 in between that and episode 6

if there are pictures it's because ifdk how to describe whatever the picture is. most of the time the picture will be in the title area if not that means I needed more than one picture to describe things

in this story Y/N is feminine 

I randomly generated a birthday so Y/N's birthday is April 24th  

l/n: last name

f/n: first name (this may be used more than Y/N based on how well people know you I think Y/n is more professional or if  people don't know you that well either way its the same thing)

e/c: eye color 

s/c: skin color

h/c: hair color

h/l: hair length 

h/t: hair texture  

anything like this or {this is your thoughts}

that depends on how I'm feeling 

all of these are for different people so it's fully diverse I'm only doing this because I realize in some stories it's not very diverse yet I think most people base y/n off themselves which is ok yet I want everyone to feel comfortable. Everyone in your school is 16 or 17 depending on birthdays except for karma he's a year older than everyone so you'd be 17 based on the random birthday so he's 18 because I feel like it. I know that's a bit confusing since they're in junior high, just pretend it makes sense. Anyways that's all I have to say RL OUT  

p.s: RL is me bye have a nice day/night 

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