35 | Hello again

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Ransom had managed to find an apartment to rent. He didn't know how long he would be here, he didn't know what would happen but he knew he was going to try and help. Sarah had given him the man's name, William Harding. Ransom already hated him. He had promised himself not to get jealous, well at least not to the point where he tries to murder him. He was here to help Sarah get her daughter back, if there was any Miracle that she did love him like Sarah said then maybe just maybe he could win her back as well.

Once Ransom found out his name it was pretty easy to find him. He found out practically everything he could. Where his favourite club was, where he liked to eat, most importantly where he lives.

It didn't take ransom long to find him, he was standing outside a night club. Surrounded by a couple other men, all of them smoking. He parked his car, jumping out straight away. He slowly walked towards them, all of a sudden a thought came into his head. What if Dianna had spoke about him? What if she had showed him a photo of what he looked liked. He had came this far, he sighed stopping right beside him. "Hey, you got an extra?" He asked nodding towards his cigarette

William looked him up and down, it was almost like he was judging him before speaking. "Yeah sure" he smiled politely, handing him a cigarette

"Thanks man" he pulled out a lighter, lighting the cigarette bringing it to his lips. Ransom hadn't smoked in years, but he figured this was a good reason.

"I've never seen you around here before, you new in the city?" William asked

Ransom nodded "you could say so yeah"

"So if your new I guess you've never been to the royal?" William questioned, turning to face him

"The royal?" He asked, puffing away on his cigarette

"Yeah, it's like a massive ball room type of thing. We host a lot of parties and gala's. I'm actually having one tomorrow night"

"Oh really? That sounds...fun" ransom spoke trying to sound as interested as possible

"How about you come? The more the merrier" William shrugged, putting his cigarette out

Ransom smirked ever slightly. He was falling into every trap "I would like that"

"Good, what's your name again?" William asked

"Ra- Hugh" ransom smiled, he was worried Dianna might have mentioned him before

"Okay Hugh, 9pm at the royal tomorrow night. Oh and I'm William" he spoke, slowly backing into the club

"See you tomorrow" ransom smirked, still puffing away at his cigarette. William turned around walking straight back into the club.

He was in, William clearly wanted anyone he could get at his party. Even a complete stranger, this made what ransom had to that much easier.


Ransom had spent the whole next day with Sarah, she was extremely happy to be spending time with him again. He was like the son she never had. Dianna had never really told her mom what had happened, just that they weren't right for each other. Sarah heavily disagreed.

It was now 9:15pm ransom didn't want to go too early but by the time it reached 9:15pm he was starting to get anxious. Maybe it was the thought that he might see her, he might see Dianna again. He had googled the address of the royal, it being extremely easy to find. He knew this event would be fancy, he knew it. So he knew exactly how to dress, he wore a full suit the black jacket and trousers looking perfect with his white shirt and black tie. When he walked in he was glad with his choice, seeing everyone in suits and women in long dresses he would even consider some of them gowns. He walked towards the bar, ordering a whiskey. He looked around the room taking everything in, his eyes focused on the large spiral stair case at the front of the room.

"Hugh, I'm glad you made it" William walked towards him smiling

"I'm glad I made it too" he chuckled

"So what's this party actually for?" Ransom asked, sipping at his whiskey

"It's for a large group of different investors, plus anyone else" he chuckled

Ransom nodded "there's a lot of people"

"Yeah, the longer the night goes on the more that arrives" he chuckled

Ransom spotted something from the corner of his eye, it felt weird. It was like he was drawn to it, he turned his head. His heart swelling with just one look, she was as stunning as the day she left him. Maybe even more beautiful. The green silk clinging onto her curves, her hips swaying with every step she took down the stairs. Her hair pushed back to stop anything falling on her face. She was breath taking, she was everything he remembered, even more. William turned from the bar, seeing Dianna.

"Oh, if you'll excuse me" William smiled at ransom before walking towards Dianna, meeting her at the bottom of the stairs.

He watched her every move, she wrapped her arm in his. William starting to walking her around the room, almost like he was showing her off. He immediately felt anxious, what if she got angry. What if she kicked him out. He finished his first whiskey, immediately ordering another one.

It wasn't long before Ransom felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hugh, I would like to introduce you to my fiancé. Dianna"

Ransom panicked, but the word fiancé set a fire through him. He would stay calm, calm, he had to stay calm. He took a deep breath before turning around, finally being face to face with Dianna after four long years. He sighed with relief, smiling brightly at her. While ransom had time to prepare himself to see her again Dianna had none of that, she was completely shocked, surprised.

Dianna felt her breath catch in her throat, the man she loved. The man she had cried over was standing right in front of her, after all this time here he was. Then it hit her, here he was. He was at her fiancés party. Dianna had never told William about ransom, that was something she kept to herself. So she done what she did best, she put on her best fake smile and pretended she had never met him before. She reached her hand forward "it's nice to meet you- Hugh" she gulped as soon as his hand touched hers, shaking it gently.

"And you...Dianna"

Dianna could've melted on the floor when he said her name, how desperate she had been over the past four years to hear that voice.

"William! Over here come on!" A man laughed calling him over

"I'll be back in a minute darling" he smiled kissing her cheek before walking away

"What- what are you doing here?!" Dianna hissed at him

"I- I" ransom couldn't tell her the real reason, she would go crazy. He had to do the one thing he knew she hated most, lie "I was in town, I met William and he invited me. It's nice to see you, you look great by the way"

"Don't. Please don't" she muttered, her eyes beginning to fill with tears

"No di, I didn't want to make you upset I just-"

"You gotta go, you can't be here. I have to go" she sighed turning around and walking towards William

Ransom sighed, downing the rest of his drink. He had to get a better plan, how could he do this?

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