28 | Forgiveness

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A week had passed and Ransom had done everything he could to make things up to Dianna. He was the perfect gentleman, he was desperate to hear those three words "I forgive you" he needed to know, He need to know she trusted him.

Tonight they were having dinner at the thrombey mansion, everyone was going to be there. Ransom was picking Dianna up from work and he knew there was something he had to do, he had to apologise to Louis. It was the last thing he wanted to do but he knew he had to, it would also help with his plan to get rid of Louis for good.

"You're here" Dianna smiled walking towards ransom who had just entered the building

"I am, how's your day been?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist

"Good, I got another chapter done" she smiled

"Still cant read it can I?"

She shook her head chuckling "nope, not yet at least"

He chuckled nodding "okay, okay"

"Let's get going, harlan and walt have already left"

"Actually there's something I need to do first, is Louis still here?" He asked, looking around

"Ransom I-"

"I'm not going to start a fight again, I just want to talk to him. Please" he sighed

She nodded "he's in my office, he's just finishing up"

"Thank you" he kissed her head, walking towards the office opening the door. Dianna followed him just incase

Louis jumped slightly not expecting anyone to be coming in

"Louis, I wanted to apologise. I was jealous that you were working with Dianna and I wasn't, I didn't like what I saw but that doesn't mean I should've acted on those feelings. I'm- I'm-" the only person he had really apologised to was Dianna, so even though he never meant it, it was still difficult to say "I'm sorry"

Dianna smiled softly at ransom, proud of him

Louis sighed "it's okay, I understand. Just as long as it doesn't happen again."

Ransom nodded "yeah, it won't"

"Good" Dianna chipped in "now come on, we need to go" she turned around walking out of the office

Ransom turned around making sure she was gone before leaning down to Louis who was sitting at the desk. "You were here last week, you heard her I know you did. She's mine. So if you ever get any smart ideas about trying to make a move on her just remember that I made her cum on this very desk, oh and over there" he whispered while smirking slightly pointing to the wall

"Ransom are you coming?!" She called from outside the office

"Have a nice night Louis" he stood up straight, turning around and walking out the door


As ransom pulled up to the thrombey mansion Dianna decided to speak up.

"I'm proud of you" she smiled, looking over to him

"You are?" He turned in his seat, facing her

"Yes, you apologised to Louis. It's a big step for you"

He nodded, immediately feeling bad he didn't mean the apology. Not for Louis of course but for Dianna.

"And because of this I accept your apology"

"You do?" He smiled

She nodded "yes, I do. I forgive you"

He smiled brightly pressing his lips against hers, bringing her into a passionate kiss. Banging on the car window broke them apart, Dianna turned to her window seeing Meg. She chuckled shaking her head. Dianna and Meg had became good friends over the past couple of months, they connected over their hate for Jacob at first.

Dianna opened the car door, meg grabbing her arm "come on, I'm bored already" meg laughed pulling her out the car

Ransom chuckled watching Dianna being dragged into the house, he got out the car slowly following behind


So far the night was going well, ransom had ignored every little comment made by everyone. He even gave one polite smile during dinner, everyone was now gathered around the fire outside. Dianna was sat on ransoms lap, keeping one another warm.

"What are you always doing on your phone?" Meg asked Jacob, who was currently typing away on his phone

"None of your business" he rolled his eyes

"Oh come on Jacob, tell us" Dianna chuckled, while running her fingers through the bottom of ransoms hair

"Looking at some dead dear?" Ransom added, moving his head so he could see Jacob past Dianna

"Stop tormenting him" Donna warned

Meg rolled her eyes, everyone breaking into their separate conversations once more.

"You want another drink?" Dianna asked ransom

"I can get it-"

"I'm offering" she smiled placing a small kiss on his lips before standing from his lap "a beer?"

He nodded "please"

She smiled walking inside going straight into the kitchen. Once she was in the kitchen she opened the fridge grabbing a beer, as she closed the door she jumped as she saw Richard standing behind it. "Shit" she hissed, clearly frightened by his sudden appearance

"Sorry Dianna, I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled

"It's fine, just caught me off guard that's all" she walked towards the worktop grabbing the bottle opener

"So how's you and ransom? After the fight I mean"

"We're doing better, I love him and I want to make it work" she placed the bottle opener on the bottle, pulling the lid off

"I'm going to be honest with you Dianna but it's only because I care about you"

Dianna frowned. Why did Richard care about her? He never once showed that he cared.

"Ransom has always been the black sheep of this family, he always betrays everyone at some point. I don't see things being any different with you, however I don't want it to happen." He spoke, moving his hand to the small of her back "I would like for you to stick around, it would be weird without you now" he smiled softly before turning around, walking out of the kitchen

Did he just come in here to tell her that? To tell her ransom would betray her? Dianna knew Richard was a prick so she decided not to let it bother her too much. And what was up with him putting his hands on her? She had no idea what went through that man's head, she sighed walking back outside.

She handed ransom his beer, taking a seat beside him this time instead of on his lap "thank you sweetheart" he smiled softly

She smiled back, the thoughts of him betraying her fighting through the barriers in her mind.

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