Chapter 5 (The Forest)

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Idk what to say here lol

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far and keep reading!

The keyword for this chapter is: Fear


Dwight leads you down a somewhat narrow hallway that looks, at least as far as you've seen, noticeably nicer than the rest of the building. The occasional alcove contains comfortable looking tables and chairs. Doors line the walls of this hallway, almost all of them are shut but a few remain open. Through the doorways you can make out highly decorated rooms. Some are styled in an interesting way while others are just cluttered with junk. You pass by a room filled with electronics, hand drawn posters of popular game titles, and what looks like a half built computer. Feng is hunched over it working away, you assume this is her bedroom but have no more time to dwell on it.

Dwight takes you to nearly the end of the hallway and stops to stare at a closed doorway.

"Well, I guess this is your room." He says a little befuddled.

"What do you mean "you guess"?"

"Well it's just that" he motions to the door "this door wasn't here before. We normally just guess that the entity makes it when new people arrive." He puts his arms behind his head "anyways, go ahead and go in."

Uncertainly you make your way to the door and after hesitantly placing your hand on the doorknob, open the door. The room itself is fairly plain, nothing in particular catches your eye other than the few furniture objects. To your left there is a closet jutting out from the wall, directly past that there is a bed with plain white sheets and a green cover. On your right there is a small personal couch as well as an end table. Directly ahead there is a window facing the woods. The pale moonlight shining brightly through the trees and into the room.

"It's a bit plain, but you can decorate it however you'd like." Dwight speaks positively but your gut sinks, just how long were they expecting you to stay here? You had felt positive interacting with them before but maybe your gut was wrong. What if these people were going to keep you trapped here forever? You couldn't stay here any longer, even if they had good intentions, you needed to take that risk.

Your mind quickly jumped from collected to panicked as you began to take in the gravity of the situation. Still, there was no way they were being completely truthful with you, I mean, this was all so insane. These people were either crazy or thought you were an idiot. Either option was bad in this situation. You look out your window into the woods. Maybe making a run for it wouldn't be the worst.

"Y/n?" Dwights concerned voice breaks the commotion in your head.

Putting on your best face you smile at him and wave you're hand "oh! I'm sorry, this is just a lot to process. I-i think I need to just take a walk and clear my mind." You begin inching your way back down the hallway.

"Oh, ok, just don't go into the woods, it's not safe."

You assure him that you won't before turning and making your way back to the entrance hall without looking behind you to see if he's following. Only when you are halfway across the main room do you turn around and make sure you're not being pursued. Fortunately for you, there's no one else in the room other than Mikeala, who is still distracted with her book. Though you notice that the thickness of the book has shifted from one side of the book to the other as she reads through it. Trying your best to tiptoe past her, you exit through the front door and make your way out into the night.

The air is crisp and cold. The sky is still the same beautiful scene it was before. You pull your gaze from the heavens to the misty forest in front of you. It's quiet and foreboding, but the only other option lay behind you. If you turn back now, who knows what will happen to you. In order to get back to your life you have to move forward, no matter what.

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