Chapter 6 (Early Morning)

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Thank you all for helping me get to over 1,000 followers!

I would like to also warn you that this chapter uses directly female pronouns, just a warning if you prefer to think y/n is male.

Keyword for this chapter is: Breakfast


The knock at the door jolts you back into alertness. You desperately want to just lay down and sleep away this nightmare you've found yourself in. But a second knock at the door convinces you to get up. Moving cautiously towards the door you open it just a crack to see who's out in the hall.

You can almost hear yourself breathe a sigh of relief when instead of finding some sort of hideous monster waiting for you outside the door, you instead see Kate.

She smiles upon seeing you, her smile is warm, if a bit bitter. It's similar to the initial impression you got from her earlier. "Hey y/n!" she says enthusiastically.

"Uh... hello" you respond a little dazed.

"I was just swinging by to tell you that I know this all has got to be hard for you, and if you have any problems at all just let me know." Her smile doesn't fade the whole time she's speaking but her words warm your heart to hear.

"Thanks Kate, I appreciate that. I'm just really tired right now so I think I'll lie down."

"Oh, Totally! We'll talk some other time, there's something I really want to discuss with you." She gives you a final wave before walking down the hall and disappearing from sight. You can't help but feel that something is off with her. She seems just a little too happy, and a little too invested in speaking to you about, well, something. Didn't she say something similar when she first spoke to you? You shrug and close the door to your room, returning back to your bed for some much needed relaxation.

You think about looking for more comfortable clothes or even turning down the bed but can't bring yourself to feel comfortable in this situation. Instead you decide to take off only your shoes and keep the rest of your outfit intact. Resting your head on your pillow, you feel just a little better than before as sleep overtakes you.

Kate paced the purple carpeted floor of her friends room. Her mind is running 1,000 miles a minute. "You should have been there Jane, she and Felix were practically all over each other" the frequency of her footsteps increased "I mean, they literally just met and it was already like she was trying to get at him."

A sigh sounds from the bed centered in the room "Kate, I'm sure you're just overreacting. From what I've heard so far the new girl seems pretty chill, maybe a little skittish."

Kate stops pacing at this and turns to face Jane "I'M overreacting?! Jane, you weren't there! I've been trying to get Felix to look my way for MONTHS hell maybe YEARS at this point, and this bitch just walks in and takes his attention!" Her temper rises along with her voice "No, fuck that. She needs to step off, one way or another."

Jane raises an eyebrow in Kate's direction "Girl, don't do anything stupid. You'll get in trouble if you go around causing problems for everyone."

Kate raises her fist and clenches it in the air before dropping it angrily to her side "Dammit I know!" Exhaling hard she takes a deep breath and speaks more calmly "I'm just gunna give her a push in the right direction, and if that doesn't work, a shove."

Jane shrugs, "Whatever girl, it's your funeral."

Taking a deep breath Kate sits down on the edge of Jane's bed, she needed to think of a way to make sure y/n knew to stay away from her business.

Eternally Loved (readerxdbdkillers SLOWBURN)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ