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"Alright call me if you need anything" I said to Riley as I dropped her off at her house that evening, usually around this time we would be heading to the River but she needs her dad more then anything right now and I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to spend a night home

As I pulled into the driveway I could see that Dad's car wasn't here, so either he went out with Piper or Pipes is inside on her own
Piper was old enough to be home on her own however, I know how much she hates it
She hated it before mum passed but now she's gone, when Piper is home alone it only solidifies it 

I walked into the house to see Piper's dance bag thrown by the door, her shoes messily tucked away which meant she was home and when she got in, she was in a rush for some reason
"Piper?" I called out but no reply was uttered 
I furrowed my brow as I kept walking through the house, it was clear she hadn't been in the kitchen of living room which sent my upstairs 

My bedroom door was still tightly closed as was every other door.
I tapped on each door as I walked further down the corridor until I got to Piper's door. I tapped on it and didn't get a response but something told me that I was going to find her here

I gently opened the door to see Piper sat in the corner of the room, her legs tucked under her chin while she rocked herself back and fourth 
"Pipes" I muttered making her jump but look up at me
She looked like she was way past breaking point.. the sight of her merely broke my heart further 

I rushed over to her scooping her up in my arms pulling her in close as she cried
"She's gone James" She cried as I stroked her hair
"She's not coming back" She screeched 
"It's okay Piper" I said kissing the top of her head
"no no it's not!" She cried trying to  fight out of my grip

"She should still be here, she was meant to be there to watch you graduate, see us both fall in love, get married, have kids. But now? she won't see any of it and it's all my fault!" She yelled

There it as, the reason this was tearing her up so much. No matter how many times we tell her that it isn't her fault, she doesn't listen and honestly
I don't blame her..

"Piper" I warned but she shook her head
"Stop telling me it isn't my fault! I was home with her James, I was right by her side and I couldn't do anything!" She yelled, I sighed pulling her in closer
"I know I know, but Piper mum was sick. There was nothing any of us could do.. it was only a matter of time" I said watching as Piper took a big deep breath in

I pulled away slightly to look down at Piper
"Do you want to know something you should always remember?" I asked and Piper hesitantly nodded
"You were there for her final moments, she would have died to happy having you there with her Pipes, she loves you more then her heart could handle at times" I said making her smile looking down 

"I know you want her back, we all do.. Trust me I get like this from time to time too"  I said making Piper look up at me again
"how do you get it to stop?" She asked timidly 
"Oh so you wanna know my secrets huh?" I said nudging her with a light chuckle making her roll her eyes 

"3,2,1" I said making her look at me confused 
"What is that?" she asked and I smiled
"3 things mum used to say, 2 things she used to do for us, 1 forever memory" I said making Piper instantly smile 

"And it works?" She asked and I nodded
"Yeah, it takes some time but I'm always a phone call away Piper" I said to her making her nod
"You've just been so busy lately, I didn't want to bother you" she said making me roll my eyes

"Piper, you are and always will be my priority. I would drop anything to be here to help you okay?" I asked and she smiled nodding hugging me again
"I love you James" She said into my shoulder

"I love you too Piper" I said stroking her hair while holding her close 

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