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Last night couldn't have gone more perfectly, everyone hit everything! Including our little Mini's 
"Morning sunshine" Alex said throwing his arm over my shoulder smiling
"morning stranger" I said chuckling
Alex was also In B-Troupe but he's usually busy off with his girlfriend so seeing him is a rarity
"Last night was killer" He sung making me chuckle lightly
"Wasn't it! Did you see how many people turned up!" I gushed as he smiled
"I knowww!" He smiled
I looked behind him to see Chloe walking down the hall
"How are things?" I asked and he smiled
"soo good Ley" He said smiling more the closer Chloe got
"I'm so happy for you Al" I said and he smiled again

Soon I was alone at me locker, Alex and Chloe had gone off to wherever they spend their school free time while I was working on remembering what classes I had next 
"Riley right?" A redhead said coming and standing next to me with a brunette and blonde
"Uh yeah?" I asked closing the door

"I'm Michelle, this is Thalia and Giselle" The blonde said holding out her hand
"nice to meet you all" I said still very confused as to why they were here
"You were so amazing last night!" Thalia gushed
"Aww, thankyou" I smiled
"That's what we were coming here to talk to you about" Giselle said

I looked at them confused as I closed my locker, stood a few feet behind them were the boys from A-Troupe
"What about it?" I asked leaning on my locker
"We want you to try out for A-Troupe" Michelle said, I looked behind them to see James stood close to West
"Yeah no thanks" I said

I was about to walk away when they started to follow so I stopped and turned back to face them 
"I'd rather you didn't follow" I said biting my lip
"Come on Riley, you are killer! You need to try out" Thalia said and I crossed my arms
"I'm sorry but I don't need to do anything" I said
I glanced at the boys who were all looking at us now
"I'm sorry but the answer is no" I said heading off again

As I passed the boys, West offered me a comforting smile which I returned before he fist bumped me as I passed him 
"West come on tell us" Eldon groaned making West shake his head 
That was the last thing I saw before turning the corner escaping it all 


Lunchtime soon rolled around and I was sat at my usual table in the library. I like to spend the time here to sort of clear my head, work on my homework and just escape the gossip of the hallway
"Riley right?" A familiar voice said making me look up
There was the one person I never planned to speak to again

"You've got a lot of nerve" I said looking at James who was scratching the back of his neck
"Trust me, I would not be in the library if I wasn't being beaten by the girls" He groaned making me roll my eyes
"I just want to know, what did I do? I have literally no clue" He said as I narrowed my eyes at him

"The fact you don't remember James. Is what makes this so much worse" I said turning back to my Geography book

"Riley, how am I meant to fix this if you won't tell me what I did?" He asked
Now he made a valid point, sure 
But I didn't want this to be fixed, there was no fixing it at all
"What's the point in fixing something you don't remember" I asked looking up at him

"i need to fix it so you try out" He muttered but I shook my head
"whether this was to be fixed or not. It won't change my answer" I said looking at him
"now if you would be so kind" I said making him look at me confused 

"leave me alone, I don't ever want to speak to you again" I said looking down in the hope he would leave
Luckily for me in a matter of minutes he cursed under his breath before leaving the library
Leaving me back in my James free world 

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