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"Hey Jellybean, can we talk?" Dad asked knocking on my door the next morning, I smiled at him making it known he could come in
"What's up" I asked
"Well a little birdie told me you are fighting with Alex over a guy" He said sitting on the edge of my bed, I rolled my eyes turning to look at him
"Was that birdie Alex?" I asked and he nodded

"Remember the whole problem I had with Beth and James when you are mum were separating?" I asked and Dad hesitantly nodded
Dad knew all about it, he knew had bad I got and I think it's one of the main reasons dad was quick to let mum dictate what she took in the divorce

"James is on A-Troupe, Alex found out about it all and is annoyed I never told him" I explained and Dad's facial expression changed to confused
"Why wouldn't you tell Al? Surely he would be there to help you handle James now?" Dad asked and I shook my head
"when this happened, Alex wasn't even on B-Troupe. He was never around, he was with Chloe. Now that I'm on A-Troupe and spending time with James and the rest of the troupe, I've given James a fresh start" I started

"the fresh start is working, it's obvious that he isn't the same guy he was back then. Telling Alex now would have just caused some unneeded drama" I said and Dad nodded
"But Riley, don't get hurt again alright?" Dad said and I nodded
"I wouldn't dream of itttt, plus let's be honest.. You'd kill him before he had the chance to again" I said making Dad laugh with a nod 
"Happily" He said before coming over to give me a hug

Dad has always been there when I needed him, but he is also the type of dad to sit back and let me learn from my mistakes. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice? You'll have the wrath of my dad 


I got to school and usually, I would head to my locker but I had a different plan this morning
As I walked through the corridors, I passed A-Troupe who all gave me a supportive smile before I earned a confused look
They of course followed me but as soon as I got to Alex's locker. I don't think anyone was ready for what was about to unfold

"Alex!" I yelled making him peal himself away from Chloe to look at me
"What do you want?" He asked turning to look at me before noticing everyone stood a few paces behind me
"Careful ladies and gentlemen. She has her poesy with her" He laughed
"Don't start something that you won't like the ending of" I warned him

"Go on Riley, what could you possibly have on me. It's you who should be scared" He warned with a devious chuckle
"You want to play with fire. Fine" I said before turning to Chloe

"You two have been together for what 3 year Chloe?" I asked and she nodded looking at me confused
"And would you like to know the reason he won't say I love you back" I said before turning to Alex who instantly looked like he had been knocked down a few pegs
"Don't you -" He started

"what is it?" Chloe said cutting him off
"Ask him about Hannah, Natalie oh and Sarah" I said making Alex's face flush a dark red while his hands formed a fist
"Fuck you Riley" He yelled
"I suggest you stay the fuck away from my Dad Alex or so help me god, I'll wipe the floor with you ass" I yelled before walking away 

I draw the line at bringing my dad into the drama in my life. It's the last thing he needs or wants in his life 

"Woah, are you okay?" James said coming running after me
"I'm okay" I said finally getting to my locker
"I mean, are you sure?" He asked leaning on the locker next to me
"nothing I can't handle" I said offering him a sincere smile

"he went after your dad?" James asked and I nodded closing my locker
"There isn't much I'll protect, but my dad is one of the biggest things in my life" I said and James nodded with a smile
"I'm the same with my family, especially Piper" He said and I smiled in his direction
"Look at James being a good big brother" I teased making him roll his eyes as we headed to our lesson

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