
That evening, I was at The Next Step, not to practice but because I knew that Riley would be here
And I know what you are thinking. I need to leave her alone and I completely agree with you but I don't know, I just need to apologise
I got to the Music room, the only room that had music playing so I think it's safe to say, if she's here. She in the music room

I stood on the doorway only to see her dancing, the lyrics in the song truly hit the way she must have been feeling
When I zoned out everything about Beth, I had no idea that I was zoning out something like that 
Hell I didn't even know I was capable of that shit 

In now way is it forgivable and I can't blame Riley for wanting me to steer clear of her life
That is what I'm going to do, she deserves that at least

"Dude please give it up" West said coming over to me as I watched Riley
"I am don't worry" I said making him look at me with slight surprise
"Beth told me, in fact she stood there laughing about it" I said and West rolled his eyes 

"I can't believe I did that, fuck I can't believe I forgot it" I said bowing my head
"I'm not going to stand here and defend you James, what you did was sickening but Riley's comeback was more then you would have survived" He said, I looked at him confused before turning to Riley while he continued to talk

"While you were ripping her apart, her parents were getting a divorce, she was losing touch with her sister. You made her feel alone in a place where she had nobody else to turn to" He explained
"But fuck me, when she realised what you were doing.. She came back harder then you could have ever expected" He said
"This is the best Riley I've ever met" He said smiling at her
"But I just wish I had the chance to meet her without your fucked up game" West said and I nodded in agreement 


I left Riley alone and left West to do whatever it was that he was doing here
But I ended up in Studio A on my own. Riley's bag was the only one in the cubby which made my next plan easier

I walked over to her bag, slipping a letter into it before moving away
Talking to her wasn't an option and I'm not going to push her anymore
That letter will be my last attempt to talk to her, after that she can have her James free world and I just hope that one day..
She'll find a way to forget all about what happened 

After leaving The Next Step, I headed to Parkour Alley where I know A-Troupe and B-Troupe merge together, it meant there was a chance I would bump into Beth. But if that girl pushes me any further 
I'll come forward about her little head game with Riley

"Hey man" Hunter said doing our usual greeting
I took a seat next to Eldon while watching the rest of the Troupes messing around
"I hear someone found out" Eldon said and I nodded sighing
"How the hell did you forget that?" he asked and I shrugged
"Man I really don't know" I said

Before anyone could say anything else, three more B-Troupers joined us, one of them being Riley
She looked at me before cutting the eye contact short
"hey Leyyy" Alex greeted Riley hugging her as she took a seat on the bench next to him
"How is our favourite little lady" Another boy said
"Oh you know, she's fighting through" She said glancing at me again 

I don't think anything can top this
What I did to Riley will forever be my biggest regret..

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