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"Here you go" I said handing Riley her dance bag as we both got out the car, today was the day we do our final Duet auditions
I think Miss Kate really made it as fair as possible, each pair had the same song to do a routine too 
It'll really showcase your musicality and how you work in a pair
"You ready for today?" Riley asked as we got to Studio A
"hell yeah" I smiled putting my bag in the cubby before taking hers and putting it next to mine
We'd gotten ourselves into this little routine and honestly, I liked it..

As we walked deeper into Studio A, A-Troupe where stood in their usual positions but this time joined by Oscar. He'll be around a lot not that any of us like it 
"Alright A-Troupe! Duet Auditions, who's ready" Miss Kate smiling approaching us with a familiar face beside her
"What is she doing here" Riley muttered
"Hey Riles" Emily said making Riley continue to look at her confused 

Moments passed and Riley and Emily walked off leaving the rest of us to chat
"What's that about?" I asked West and Eldon who both shrugged
"Last I heard, Riley and Emily don't speak" Eldon said
"That's what I heard too. Ever since their parents split they both kind of went separate ways" West said making me glance over at the office where it was evident Emily and Riley were arguing 



"What are you doing here Emily?" I asked as Emily looked around Miss Kate's office
"This place hasn't change a bit" She said picking up a photo here and there
"I asked you a question" I said crossing my arms over my chest
"I'm your sister Riles, why wouldn't I come and visit?" She asked and I scoffed
"My sister? Emily you stopped being my sister the moment you disowned me for not choosing mum" I yelled making her roll her eyes

"Well you should have chosen mums side! Us girls need to stick together" She said 
"Mum cheated Emily! Mum is the reason the marriage broke up, why the hell would I choose her?" I asked and she rolled her eyes
"That isn't why I'm here Riley, we have bigger fish to be talking about" She continued 
At this point I think she was just trying to antagonise me, she wanted a reaction

"You and James huh?" She said looking out the window looking into Studio A
"don't start" I warned her making her quickly snap her head around
"What" She asked
"you don't get to come back after what 4 years? And think that you have a right to put your nose into my business" I said 
"Riley, I know a lot more about your business then you think" She said crossing her arms making me scoff

"You're still the silly little girl you were back when the divorce happened. When are you going to learn to be a little more fucking headstrong" She continued
"When are you going to learn not to mix business with pleasure" She chuckled looking over at James again

"That's where you are wrong Emily" I bit making her roll her eyes before looking at me
"i'm not the same little girl I was back then" I said standing tall
"When you left, I was hitting rock bottom, I rebuilt myself from scratch" I continued
"i was there for myself when I could have used my sister" I said narrowing my eyes at her 

"Now that I'm all put together, now that I'm living my life how I want to doesn't mean you get to come back and play that big sister role you've neglected over the last few years" I finished about to turn out of the office
"Oh but Riley, you're playing a dangerous game" she chuckled and I rolled my eyes

"And Emily. I don't care" I said walking out of the office and Studio A. I needed some air right now

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