“I will, but I’m gonna wait till Dr. Webber gets back. I don’t wanna leave you here alone.” I nodded and slowly sat up. I let out a moan in pain as I grabbed my left hip. Dr. Bailey lifted up my hospital gown to take a look and the crappy stitches done had ripped somehow.

            “What kind of hospital is this? I swear, you have a few doctors get into a plane crash and they have the NERVE of stitching up a patient like this!” She shook her head angrily as she reached over to grab the hospital nurse-bell and repetitively pushed it.  A nurse quickly ran in.

            “Yes?” Dr. Bailey glared at her,

            “Who’s in charged of stitching her up?” The nurse started to answer, but as Dr. Bailey continued to glare, the nurse started to get scared.

            “It-It was Dr. Anderson.” She stuttered nervously.

            “Go get them!” The nurse nodded as she ran out to find him.

            “God. This man or woman better be dying in order for them to suture you up like crap.” I smiled softly because I had never seen Dr. Bailey so caring before. In a way, I guess it was because she knew I had no one else to watch after me. Meredith was in her own room and Mark was too. I just really hoped they were both okay.

            A few minutes later, Dr. Anderson walked into the room.

            “You rang?” He said in the most monotone voice ever.

            “Yeah! How do you explain this?” Dr. Bailey scolded him as she lifted my gown again and showed him the crappy stitching he had done.

            “I apologize. I had an intern do it and…” But before Dr. Anderson could finish his explanation, Dr. Bailey cut him off.

            “You let an idiot intern touch one of MY doctors?! And on top of that you let an IDIOT intern touch someone who was in a SERIOUS plane crash?! Uh uh! Get me some morphine and a suture kit. I’ll do this myself.”

            “That’s really unnecessary. I’d be happy to fix this up.” Dr. Anderson spoke before grabbing the suture kid. Dr. Bailey snatched it out of his hands,

            “I am NOT trusting you a second time. Perhaps instead of talking like Ben Stein, maybe you should grown some emotions and learn to TEACH your interns.” Dr. Bailey snapped some rubber gloves on and began working on me. I looked over at Dr. Anderson who just stood there speechless. I guess he had never encountered a person like Dr. Bailey before and I gotta admit, even though she’s scary, sometimes her scariness can come in handy.

            A few hours later, the doctors had decided to sedate us all so we could fly back toSeattle. I still hadn’t seen Mark and I was starting to worry. Dr. Webber had told me he was on and off again and that doctors had to resuscitate him multiple times, but something about that told me he was holding on. As the doctors sedated me, my eyes slowly began closing and not long after I was dreaming.

            When I awoken, I was in a familiar patient room at Seattle Grace. I turned my head to look at the window and saw Alex and Jackson staring at me. Just PERFECT! My two exes staring at me. I wonder what they’re thinking. I saw Alex’s lips move in whichJacksonresponded with something. God, sometimes I wished they would speak loud enough for the whole hospital to hear, just so I would know what they were saying. In all honesty, I wasn’t really sure of why I cared that much of what they had to say. I closed my eyes in hopes they would leave, but when I opened them again, they were still standing there. I wish they would decide to come into my room to visit, but instead they just stood there as if they were window shopping. Not long after, miss perky-butt came trotting into my room.

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