You're Safe Here

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"Why did we agree to this again?" Jade groaned for the millionth time as she sat in our bed, shower fresh, wrapped in just a towel.

"Because our friends want to spend time with us before we go full newlywed and cut off all communication with anyone that's not in this house for a while." I replied, standing at the bathroom sink, putting on my makeup. "You know we will. You've already started."

"I don't want to." She huffed again. "I'd rather stay here and spend time with you. Plus it's an hour drive!"

I walked out of the bathroom and over to where she was sitting. She was staring at the floor, but when I stood in front of her, she looked up. I placed a finger under her chin and smiled.

"We're still going to be together, babe. We're still spending time. We have to go back into the city tomorrow anyway to get Zahra. It's going to be fun. You know you're going to have fun." I said.

Truth be told, I didn't really want to go either. Especially since I wouldn't be drinking because I'm trying to get pregnant. But, we do have to get our baby tomorrow, and I feel like if we don't show our faces tonight, they're just going to keep calling us.

"I don't want to have fun." She frowned.

God, she's cute when she's pouty.

"Babe..." I frowned too. "Please?"

She sighed and looked down again. "Okay, but only because of you."

"Thank you, baby." I smiled, bending down to peck her lips, but when I went to stand up, she pulled me back to her.

She kissed me again, a lot deeper this time. I put my hands on her knees for balance, and she swiped her tongue across my bottom lip before biting it. I opened my mouth slightly and let her tongue inside.

When it started to get too hot, I stood up and licked my lips. She licked hers too, and looked up at me.

"I want to stay home and do that." She sighed.

"You can do that all night." I replied.

"You aren't going to let me kiss you like that in a crowded bar." She rolled her eyes.

"Why wouldn't I?" I raised my brow.

"Wait, what?" She raised hers.

"Like I said. You can do that all night. Get up and get some clothes on." I said, bending down and pecking her lips again, and then going back to fix my makeup.

I heard her sigh again, but I could see her standing up out of the corner of my eye. I was supposed to be doing my makeup, but I found myself watching Her.

She dropped her towel and walked over to the drawer, sliding it open and browsing her carefully organized underwear collection. I stared at her ass for I don't know how long.

I guess she must've felt it, because she turned around with a smirk, and suddenly I was staring at something else. I swear to god, that girl is blessed and she knows it.

When I felt myself getting a little excited, I tried to look away. I tried, but my eyes found her again as she pulled a pair of black briefs up her thighs. Damn, she's got some nice thighs.

She got them all the way up, tucked herself in properly, and then went for the rest of her underwear. Black socks and a black sports bra, then she turned to face me again, sent me a wink, and then stepped out of my sight. I let out a sigh and went back to finishing up my makeup.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, she was pulling jeans on, and fastening her belt, and she looked good. She was wearing a pair of black, ripped, skinny jeans. Her t-shirt was fitted and white. Not just any white, like fresh snow white.

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