Comebacks Yalllll

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 Person: You’re a bitch

 You: Yeah, but not yours

 Person: Bite me

 You: You’ll like it too much

 You: That’ll be animal abuse

 You: Why would I put my teeth on something as nasty as you??

 Person: Go drink bleach

 You: Oh I already did. It taste pretty good. Why don’t you try some?? I bet everyone would love to see that *Optional Wink*

 Person: At least I don’t have a pig nose

 You: True. But it would match your pig sized brain

 Person: That’s not what your mom said last night

 You: Awww. Was she babysitting you again?? How cute

 You: Awww. Was she babysitting you again?? How cute. Yours was busy on my bed pole *wink*

 You: Yeah. She told me she had a babysitting job. By the way, just saying here… But your dad is SMALL 

 Person (Directed to a girl, from a guy): Oh shut up and go take your Midol

 You: Hey at least I have an excuse for acting like a bitch

 You: Ha. When you have cramps and the red river flowing in your underwear, then we’ll talk (It'll gross him OUT. Especially if it's a teenage boy)



 Person: (Saying anything thats not true)

 You: Oh screw you. That is not true. Now why dont you go put your boyfriends dick in your mouth, instead of all that shit that's coming out of it

 Person (Doesn’t always have to be this): So tell me something that nobody else knows

 You: I finger myself with my middle finger

 Person: Why?? ‘Cause its longer??;)

 You: No. Because its saying “Fuck you” to my vagina 

Cheerleader: Cunt

 You: Oh no, looky there, you called me a cunt, but I’m STD free, and don’t have to medicine hunt *Wink”


 Person: (After saying she was sleeping with your boyfriend the whole time you were dating)

 You: It’s ok. He’s a stupid ass who just wanted some ass. Because he couldn’t have my pretty ass, he turned to trash.

Person: You’re fat

You: At least I don’t have the figure of one

 Person: ….. You’re still a virgin!

 You: Yeah, and proud of it. I’m sure you’re proud to not be, and like spreading your diseases around. But I’m not like that

 Guy: This, baby, (Talking about his dick) is a choking hazard.

 You: Isn’t that a warning sign they put on small objects?

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