Insults beotch!

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 Do me a favor. Put a condom on your head. If you’re gonna act like a dick, then I suggest dressing like one too

 Ok, if I wanted to get harassed by a bitch, I would buy a girl dog. But until then, go walk away with your tail held high that way the guys know you’re in heat. Again!

 Hey everybody! Here’s the bitch of the school *Point to her*. She’d do anything for a little doggie treat *wink. (And maybe, if you want, wiggle your hips when you say “Doggie treat”)*

 You’re such a hoe, a shovel makes you wet!

 Go suck a pole. And I don’t mean the one you make money on

Your parents are a joke, and you’re the punchline

 When a cheerleader calls you ugly: 1 3 6 9 back the hell off ‘cause aint a dime

 At cheerleader: Raw raw, hip hip horyay, isn’t it time you close your legs?? *Wink*

 Your mother should have swallowed you

You: Hey, guess what!

 Person: What??

 You: Your that one sperm that should of hit the toilet water, not the egg

 (This could be used in so many different ways. Start off how you think is best, like “Oh yeah I’m so jealous of…”): The 5 cent hooker of whoreville.

 You’re not worth anything more than a free hooker.

“Ew” fits him perfectly. The word is small, just like his dick.

Cock juggling thunder-cunt! (It was used in a movie. Some girl I know use it on the road, and the guy almost crashed from laughing)

You: Hey, I know what you should be for Halloween!

Person: And whats that?

You: A dick costume! You already got the attitude down. 

You: A dog costume! You're already the biggest bitch I've ever met. So it'll fit.  )And if you want to add something on... >). Now go suck a bone.

Well excuse me for having bigger balls than you. I just like to wear them proudly on my chest instead of hiding them away in my pants.

Well, why don't you just Freddy Kruger that bitch, already?!

Yo mama is so ugly that even Scooby-Doo couldn't solve that mystery...

I rather look like this than you. It looks like your makeup was put on by a bunch of kids learning how to finger paint.

You’re such a hoe the saying “I pity the fool” was about your parents.

Your dick is so small, Smurfs think it’s a stepping stone.

Get lost before someone brings a fishing pole because of how bad that smell is.

You: Sit. Roll over. Speak!

Them: Why are you giving me dog commands?

You: Because you're acting like a little bitch

 You're so stuck up you're (Their) ass I'm surprised you could see me

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