toxic relationship

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Lloyd's POV,

I had been dating Jacob for a few months now.

At first, he was the sweetest boyfriend that you could ever had, truly, but the more the time passed, the more he changed..

To be fully honest, it felt like i was in what people would call, a 'toxic relationship'.

He was actually drinking and smoking a lot.
I even had suspicions that he was taking drugs.

But I wasn't sure though..

He always wanted to go 'down there' with me, even when I was not in the mood or simply didn't wanted to. But I always had to say 'yes' to him.

It happened only a few times, but he made me smoke his stuff and even drink alcohol.
Even though I kept on saying that I didn't wanted to do any of that stuff either..

I wished someone would just take me away from him and the hell he was making me go through everyday. But yet, a little part of me still kept on loving him..

It was complicated.

At the moment, I was trying to study some of the new fighting techniques that my uncle asked me to memorize for tomorrow's training, and Jacob was next to me, smoking something again.

"Want some?"
"I'm fine thank you, I have to study-"
"Take some. Now."

He stared at me and I ignored it, thinking he would just forget about it for once.

But I was wrong..

He groaned and walked towards me before hardly punching my left cheek.

"Take some or I'll punch you more."
"W-What was-"

He cut me off with another punch, on the arm this time. I grabbed it tightly and tried my best to not cry in front of him.

And they say i'm the mighty green ninja huh?
What a loser I am..

"Take some. Now."

I quickly did as he said, not wanting to get punched again, and inhaled the product.

It was definitely something new.

"That's my good boy~"

I heard him saying as I looked down in shame.

What did I even do to deserve all of that?
Why am I not just running away?
Why am I not defending myself?
I'm the fucking green ninja for god's sake!

"Are you looking down at me you piece of shit?!"
"N-no I wasn't I just-"

He then punched me in the stomach, pinning me down on the bed in the process.

He started to bit my neck and I felt like crying even more. I didn't wanted to do that..

But as always, we did what he wanted, because if I would have complained, he would have hit me once again.

I was petrified.
I didn't know what to do anymore.

-T I M E  S K I P-
At the monestary

"So Lloyd, let's try these new techniques that I told you to learn for today."

I nodded and started to summon an energy ball.

The truth was that I didn't learnt any of what he wanted me to memorize, because Jacob wanted to fuck me..

So, I knew it was gonna end up badly.

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