My Oversized Valentine

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I've got these cute little gold shorts that I'm going to try and squeeze my bloated thighs into. I tried to get the smallest possible size. I want to be a cute little chubby cherub this season of love. I'm feeling uber-sexy in this new G cup bra. I never knew that they made cup sizes thins big. I'm thinking about myself on the floor, my belly hanging out of my outfit, my face smeared with chocolate. I'm wondering if I should tell the rest of my co-workers about my goal to get as fat as possible. Maybe it will stop the whispers about me. "Was I pregnant?" "Was I sick?" Was I binge eating to get over a break-up?" I loved that they speculated about my growing waistline. We're going to take a company photo this year. Casual dress. Should I wear something form-fitting or do I go with wearing something that makes me look fatter than I am? 

I meet my date at the table. She stands up and kisses my hand. "You remind me of a chubby Sharon Tate." I love that I'm now well over 300 pounds and she thinks I'm only chubby. That's always been a fantasy dress up for me. Tight acid-washed jeans, sandals, a belly shirt to show off my stretch marks. The best part would be the little round lasses with the cherry coloured lenses. They would rest perfectly on my puffy cheeks.  Please. Please, let me keep gaining weight in my face. I sit down across from her and before I can even open the menu, her hand is already under the table with her fingers in my deep navel. I love the feeling of my navel being fingered. "So, I'm going to get straight to the chase...I like girls that are fat and flabby." I smile. "Well, I have no intention of losing any weight!" It feels good to have my body looked at and appreciated. There is a beauty to building waistlines that's hard to explain.

I'm starting to sweat as I take on the office stairs these days. My cheeks are starting to get red after the 6th step. You're halfway. You can do it. Sometimes I have to use the handrail as a half-ass attempt to help myself up the stairs. I'm glad that they're having an elevator put in. These stairs are quickly coming my worst enemy. Of course, they wouldn't be if I weren't 150 pounds overweight. People pass by me on the stairs, sometimes shaking their heads at me. I start at 7:30 but by 10.00. I need to have a snack to tide me over until lunch. Hm...lunch. I've got a footlong double meat and cheese sandwich for lunch. I'll have to settle for one of the snack cakes in my desk. My chubby hands fumble with the plastic wrap. I use my teeth and eat the tiny cake in almost one bite. I swear these things used to be bigger! 

I love admiring my growing frame in the mirror. I'm at the point where I'm starting to take up two-thirds of it and it's a pretty decent sized mirror. My neck is wider and chubby. My middle is stretched out and blubbery. I'm starting to develop a bloated double belly. I pinch the thickening layer of chubb on my inner arms. I want really fat upper arms. I used to be shy and self-conscious about having bigger upper arms. Now they're almost double the size they used to be and I'm thinking of at least tripling them in size. Two massive bowls of cereal in the morning should help with that. 

My second valentine's day date went even better. This girl got me stoned and then stuffed me until I felt like I was ready to explode. Pot always makes me turn into a complete hog. I'm sometimes amazed at how much I can fit into my belly. Two whoppers with cheese and extra pickles, a chicken sandwich with extra pickles, two large fries, a large coke and a large vanilla milkshake.

 She rubbed my overstuff belly, telling me that I was such a good piggie. "I can't wait to see all these calories go to your ass and hips." I moan with pleasure. "If you rub for another 20 minutes, I'll probably be able to start eating again." Her eyes widen. "Are you serious? You really are an enormous pig!" She kisses me. "I'm barely fat. I can't wait until I'm an actual enormous pig." She wobbles my hip roll. "If you keep eating like this, that's going to be your reality really soon." "I can't wait!" She rubs lotion on the new stretch marks that are starting to form on my underbelly. I reach a euphoric sense as she begins to feed me a big chunk of chocolate cake. I love that pot helps me eat like this. The higher I get, the more I eat. I lick the leftover icing off the plate and lay back on a stack of pillows.  It's no wonder I'm starting to have trouble tucking my stomach into my pants. 

It's my third date before valentine's day and this time, the amount of food I stubbed in my fat face was almost disgusting. I felt the book creaking under my weight. I need to get a scale still. There is no way that I haven't gained weight. My face feels fatter and my hips are starting to wobble when I walk. I wonder when I'll start to waddle. It always looks so erotic as fat women struggle to move, true goddesses of gluttony. I hope that one day I'll be able to waddle among them. Two massive buffalo chicken sandwiches, onion rings, french fries, garlic rolls and a caramel fudge brownie melt. My date couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it. I'm so bloated I have trouble getting out of the booth. I look at my reflection in the mirror. I'm starting to really look plump. My tee is stretched out, showing off the two rolls of my stomach. My double chin is looking extremely healthy. 

 I'm so excited that I'm getting into the realm where I'm too fat to fit into a booth. I'm going to make an enormous pig out of myself, stuffed into a booth one last time. I think I'm going to wait until I'm barely able to get into the booth and eat until my stomach is pressed into the table. They're going to have to unscrew the tabletop to get me out. I can't think of anything more erotic. Maybe they'll have to cut me out of the booth. Jesus. 

I can no longer squeeze into a 2XL top at work. It was such a turn on as I struggled to pull it down over my stomach only to find that it was amazingly tight. It was starting to get a little tight around the upper arms too!  I have no choice but to wear the 3XL top. We only carry up to the 4XL tops. I'm going to have to have my uniform special ordered. 

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