Growing Gal

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My friends are starting to get concerned about my weight. They have no idea that I'm gaining on purpose. I love the look in their eyes when they see me and I'm a little bit wider and a little bit rounder. 

Upon looking at the box for my scale, I realised that the weight limit on it is only 350 pounds. I want to be over that by June! I'm going to need to look for a new scale fit for a lady of my size. I should probably get it now when I order my new desk chair for home. I've gotten too fat for it. I can no longer squeeze my ass and hips into it. The last time I managed to wedge myself into it, I heard something creaking in it...It took me a good 20 minutes to unwedge myself from the seat. Normal people would start to get concerned that they could no longer fit in standard size seats. It's not just my home desk chair that's been causing me problems lately. 

At 330 pounds, I've gotten pretty thick around the middle area. I'm carrying a lot of weight in my hips, ass, thighs and lower stomach. In the last month, I've had two chair related incidents. I was invited to a symposium with a few people that I knew. They said there would be drinks and snacks while we discussed art history, cultural influences and other things. I was so excited to go. These were supposed to be the wide, fat-friendly ones! I spent two and a half hours stuffed inside the didn't stop me from shovelling snacks into my face the entire time. I used to feel ashamed to eat so much in front of my friends and co-workers. . This was something for me. Eating was for me. It was a personal's not so much anymore because you can't really hide being about 200 pounds overweight.  

When it was time to go I had to tell them that I needed help getting out of the seat. "Wow...Casey, you really outdid yourself there everything okay, you seem to be, you know..." His voice trailed off. "Couldn't be better! Just getting out there, wanting to experience everything." "You could tell by the size of her." Someone muttered under their breath, but just loud enough for me to hear. It was a massive turn on that she found me to be so embarrassingly fat. I'm helped up and out, by hips puffins back out as they were released from their confines. 

If I thought that was shameful, and well, hot, that was nothing compared to what happened at work. I told HR that I needed a new stool for work. They'd given me a wide one to sit on when I just got too tired from standing I told them that I was already over the weight limit for the seats. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but I knew it wouldn't be able to handle me for much longer. It was basically crying everything I sat on it. I felt it struggling to support me. I didn't cut back like I was advised to while something that could support someone as big as me and beyond would arrive. I continued to eat, graze and scarf. I'd just taken a bite out of a slab of caramel-filled chocolate when the stool gave way from under me. 

I hit the ground with an enormous thud. There was no way that no one heard that. Co-workers rushed over to find me on the floor, red-faced with caramel down my chins. My belly was on full display, swelling over the belt buckle. I was never turned on more when they asked me if I needed help getting up. I shook my head, breathing a little heavy. I want to feel myself struggle to get up. I can't wait to experience that as I get heavier. I'm probably going to hit a weight plateau soon. I know a lot of people do when they reach a certain size. I've had plateaus before. I don't mind them. It's a nice period where you don't have to spend so much money on clothes. I like to wear tight things when I head out to the BBW nights. I'm hoping to meet a nice man who's sweet, loves to cook and more importantly inspire me. 

The only downside to the current BBW events is there are not a lot of people in it just yet because it's new and the really, really fat women get chosen first. I'm really only chubby. I'm starting to see myself that way too. Who would have ever thought that 330 pounds would be considered chubby? I'm more than double the weight that I should be. I can't wait until I get on the scale one day and see that I'm triple the weight that I should be. I've never felt more confident or sexy. I've denied this part of my sexuality for so long. Hiding it, ashamed that wearing tight clothing turns me on. That I'm aroused by the idea of someone getting fatter. I'm attracted to being super-sized. I've thought about this for years and now I actually have started the journey. I love being this size. I'm enthralled by the motion of my body when I attempt to speed walk. I've got a tracksuit that I have. It's getting extremely tight so I should size up, but it's something that I wear to the gym. I walk around the track there to keep my legs in shape. I want to be able to carry the excess weight around without as much problem as some people have. I want to remain mobile for quite some time, waddling around, making people wonder how can I do it? 

My calves are starting to thicken up. I'm jealous of this model's cankles. She's a little over 400 pounds and has the most adorable chubby ankles. I know I have a lot more eating to do if I want to reach her size, but all in good time. Fantasizing about being a certain weight and then coming close to the goal, then hitting it is something different every time. Being supersized was an idea. I didn't think that I'd actually be able to eat myself past three hundred pounds. I was just trying it out, throwing it out there, now I'm well into the 300's and I'm totally focused on weighing nearly 400 pounds. 500-600 is a total fantasy for now. I'm starting with smaller goals that way I'm not too disappointed if I don't gain as fast or even if I lose weight for some reason. 

I wonder why I'm turned on by the feeling that I'm swelling out of my clothes? Why do I love the highest around my waist, hips and ass? I love when my thighs are stretching out the fabric of a pair of pants and I'm wondering just how long they'll be able to hold on for? It's like a warm, powerful feeling to know that my body is growing. My favourite thing is when I have to lay down to button up my jeans. My stomach isn't in the way yet, but I'm sure it will be. My tits haven't gotten that much bigger lately and I'm okay with that. I've got a massive set of melons anyway. A hefty E cup. I love when I squeeze into a bra and the roll that I'm developing under my arms puffs out over the sides. The tightest digs into my flesh as I put another forkful of pasta into my mouth. 

Going shopping with my friends is always fun. We head over to plus-sized stores for me since it's been a long time since I fit in any of the regular sizes. I love when they look at some of the clothes for super-sized people. They'll be amazed and disgusted by a size 40, while I'm having fantasies of eating myself out of a size that big. They eyeball the size that I'm getting now. I like to try things on for them. They gasp as I step out in a pair of "skinny" jeans and a crop top. They see how much cellulite I've developed and the massive fat roll I'm growing under my tits is starting to develop stretch marks. The jeans are really tight. I don't know how I managed to wiggle myself into them. Only took 15 minutes! I end up getting a few pairs of stretch jeans with no buttons. They'll allow me more room to grow than a regular pair of jeans would. I love that my belly button ring looks so cute right now, a little gem in the middle of a sea of fat. I wonder if I will keep it in as my belly grows. I'll figure it out as I grow. I love the way I feel my body change with each couple of pounds gained.  I find myself becoming obsessed with being a mountain of lard parked on the couch or in a bed. Hopefully, I can put on a few more pounds before the next BBW get together. 

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