Chapter 4: My Dad Races And Gets Attacked

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Dad steps out of the car first, then Pepper and I do the same. I hear people yelling behind the gates, but I ignore them, used to crowds shouting at me and my father. The only difference is Pepper's new fame. I was using the Mist to hide my wings, despite me wearing a light jacket. We walk in together.

"You know, it's Europe. Whatever happens in the next 20 minutes, just go with it," dad tells Pepper.

"Go with it?" she questions. "Go with what?"

"Mr. Stark?" I hear Natalie, stopping dad from answering Pepper.

"Hey." He tells her.

"Hello. How was your flight?"

"It was excellent. Boy, it's nice to see you."

"We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind," Natalie informs, taking the drinks my father just took from their waiter. I see the photographer right behind Natalie.

"When did this happen?" Pepper questioned.

"What? You made me do it."

"I made you do what?"

"You quit. Smile. Look right there."

I plaster on my practiced smile the moment Pepper does for the camera, us both standing on opposite sides of my father. Pepper laughs awkwardly.

"Stop acting constipated," dad tells her. "Don't flare your nostrils."

"Relax your eyebrows," I added without looking over. I know her well enough to know that she was without taking my eyes off the camera.

"You are so predictable." She tells him as the photographer leaves. "That's the amazing thing."

"Right this way." Natalie tells us.

My dad walks beside Natalie. "You look fantastic."

"Why, thank you very much."

"But that's unprofessional. What's on the docket?"

"You have a 9:30 dinner."

"Perfect," my father tells her. "I'll be there at 11:00."


I follow behind the two as dad walks to a table. "Is this us?" he asks.

"It can be."

"Great. Make it us."


Pepper comes over a moment later. "Mr. Musk. How are you?"

A man in a white jacket stood up from the table beside ours. "Hi, Pepper. Congratulations on the promotion."

"Thank you very much."

"Hello again, Elon." I tell him with a smile on my face.

"Hey, kid."

I stand next to Pepper as my dad says, "Elon, how's it going? The Merlin engines are fantastic."

"Thank you. Yeah, I've got an idea for an electric jet." At this point dad has already started following Pepper away, but they continue speaking for a moment.

"You do?"


"Then we'll make it work." After a little bit, my dad asks Pepper, "You want a massage?"

She sighs. "Oh, God. No, I don't want a massage."

"I'll have Natalie make an-"

"I don't want Natalie to do-"

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