My Fishy Boyfriend 5

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Grover fidgeted with his hands, a terrible habit that he had picked up worrying about Melodi all these years. She noticed and starred until Grover instinctively cleared his throat.

"Melodi," he paused an his eyes flashed to Clae, "can I talk to you alone?"

"I'm going to go hit the bathroom," Clae took the hint but still responded protectively, "I'll be right back."

Melodi nodded and looked at Grover and Clae head on. Clae slowly got up from the booth and eyed Grover as they slid past each other.

Grover scoffed as he plopped into the booth, "He is such an ass."

Melodi furrowed her eyebrows, reached, and slapped him on the arm.

"That's terrible." Melodi always hated foul language, it left an unpleasant taste in her mouth, just like her father.

"I'm sorry," he roughly grabbed her hand from across the table. Melodi starred at her hands entangled in Grover's until he spoke up.

"C'mon let's get outta here." Smiling he went to get out of the booth, still clinging tightly to Melodi. But he sank back when Melodi pulled her hand away.

"And go where? I can't just leave him."

"Why not? Your my girlfriend, and I don't like you seeing him. He gives me bad vibes." Grover shivered.

Melodi gawked at his sudden protectiveness, and his new attitude towards her.

"Um, excuse me?" She said bitterly.


"I'm not your girlfriend. I don't know who gave you the idea that you should be so protective. It's charming but I can honestly take care of myself."

"No, Melodi, you can't."

Just as she was about to let something rude drip out of her mouth, Clae popped up mysteriously, starling Melodi, she gripped the booth out of fright.

"Is everything good?" Clae gently touched her, sending chills down her back. Melodi turned around and looked solemnly up at Clae. She slowly closed her eyes and then quickly opened them to realize everything was frozen in time.

Melodi widened her eyes, Clae stood above her glaring at Grover. She quickly got out of the booth, stumbling on her feet. Everyone in the small diner were frozen, some mid-eat. But Melodi was too upset to laugh. What did she do?

"Melodi, calm down." It was Clae's voice, she walked towards him.

He slowly started coming back, like some sort of invisible ice was melting. He turned his head to stretch it like after being on a car ride for a long period of time.

"What did I do?" Melodi was surprised how steady her voice was.

"You have gotten one of your powers, Ithimite." He bowed sarcastically.

"Stop it, how did you get unfrozen?"

"I'm amazing," he winked at Melodi who rolled her eyes, "no, it wears off in a much shorter amount of time, on Merpeople than humans. And you don't have strong enough powers yet to really do any damage to a merperson just because we are a little more indestructible than humans."

"So then, how do I undo it?"

"I do not know."

Melodi eyes went wide, "what?! They're frozen forever!"

Clae laughed and clutched his stomach. "Ohhh that was so worth it!" He said in between gasps, "Your face was priceless."

Melodi smiled, she felt like she hadn't done that in forever. She giggled at Clae make a fool if himself, but the realized that everyone was frozen. And that know one would see them.

My Fishy Boyfriend- (Under Revision)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن