The Shadow War!

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Because I am last minute with this, this will focus more on Ella learning about Athena on her own rather than the family reconciling.

Season 1, Episode  : The Shadow War!

Ella wanders the halls of the mansion, her and Scrooge had gotten closer over the time she spent in the mansion away from the triplets.

He would go into more detail about the adventures Athena would write in her journal and tell Ella more about her mother in turn.

Ella was also in charge of fixing things while Beakley was away.

Ella shivers as she walks down a hallway. She was getting one of those bad feelings again.

Ella ignores the feeling and goes to head into the junk room, as Scrooge calls it, when as she's walking, she notices a door she doesn't recognize. Instead of ignoring it, like she would usually do, she awkwardly tries the handle only to find it locked, looking around Ella pulls out her lock picking machine.

The door slowly and eerily creaks open showing Ella the dark room.

Meanwhile Scrooge invites the crazy lady and Lena into the mansion.

Ella slowly enters the room and shivers as a cool breeze blows through her feathers and hair, the minute she's a good foot from the door it immediately slams shut leaving her in darkness.


"Ugh! How long has your housekeeping staff been gone?" Lena/Magica asks Scrooge as he leads her through the halls.

"Three days. Ella only keeps her section of the mansion clean. So how are my so-called 'kin'?" Scrooge asks with air quotes, "Miserable, no doubt? Living on that disgusting boat? I'm obviously doing much better than they are." Scrooge says proudly.

A possum squeaks as it eats a slice of pizza.

"Ah! Pesky Possum! keeps eating my anchovies!" Scrooge shouted before going after it.

Magica appears in shadow form while Scrooge's back is turned.

"Scrooge!" Lena calls out in panic and fear.

"That sad sack of feathers is not Scrooge." Magica tells Lena while Dodging a pigeon that was thrown at her. "The Scrooge McDuck I know is a shrewd, conquering hero of legend." Magica and Lena watch Scrooge eat old pizza.

"Unless this is all a trick. Yes, that's it! Of course! He and Athena senses something. He's trying to convince me he's a pathetic loser, hoping I'll make a mistake! Ha ha! You can't fool me, Scroogie! I am the one who fools!" Magica snatches the potion from Lena.

"One sip. Lights out. Grab the dime. Then, I enact... my vengeance!" Magica cackles, "Thanks for the pep talk, Lena."


Ella puts on her goggles and activates the light feature to be able to see better in the dark room. Ella walks through the room carefully walking along the creaking wooden floorboards, wincing each time it lets out a louder creak.

Ella sighs before walking across the room normally ignoring the creaks.

Ella jumps upon hearing a set of footsteps behind her and quickly turns around and flinches as a shadow walks over into the moon light pooling into the room.


Louie walks into his and his brothers' room that they used to share with Ella.

Louie looks sadly down at the picture of the triplets and Ella when they celebrated her first year with them, he had hidden it away from his brothers knowing that they'd try to throw it away.

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