"I—I cant tell from right here."

"We'll then check!" Adira yelled at him and tried moving the boxes but it was no use.

"They're getting close." They heard Nicholas say from a few feet away. Following the sound of snarling, Adira saw a walker making its way over to Tara and Eugene.

"Eugene, it's yours. Take it out." Glenn said but they all watched the man stumble back a few steps before holding out his gun.

His hands were shaking and he couldn't aim at the walker but then another one grabbed him from behind. Adiras heart began beating fast and she ignored the nauseous feeling while trying to climb up the boxes.

"Adi? Adira you better not ju—" Mitch was cut off when she jumped off the large pile of boxes and onto the walker leaning towards Tara who was still unconscious. She ignored the air spilling out of her lungs when she fell and focused on stabbing the walker in the head.

A series of coughs erupted from her throat as she checked on Tara's head. She was alive and breathing but her wound was still bleeding.

Glenn was suddenly behind her and he carried Tara into an empty office. The rest of the group came in quickly.

"Aidens pack was blown to shit." Noah stated anxiously.

"There's another one in the van." Glenn replied quickly.

Eugene shook his head, "she's on her way out. We need to get her there."

"Alright. We'll get her there." Glenn stated.

"Help! Somebody!"

"That son of a bitch is still alive?" Mitch looked out the office windows. "I though you said he was dead."

"I checked him. I— I thought—" Nicholas stumbled over his words as they looked out the office to see Aiden impaled by a metal pole.

"That's gonna take at least four of us." Glenn said.

"Do we even have enough time?" Adira asked worriedly, focusing on Eugene who held a rag to Tara's head.

"We pull Aiden off of there, we could kill him." Nicholas stated.

"So you're saying we leave him?" Noah asked.

"Go, save him." Eugene said. "She'd do it. I know she would. I'll stay with her. I'll keep her safe, I assure you.

"Alright." Glenn nodded his head and began making a plan. "Mitch you stay here and help Eugene get Tara to the truck. Us four we knock them back. You still got that flare?"

"Yeah." Nicholas nodded his head.

"You fire the flare over the shelves. That'll draw some of them over." Glenn turned towards Noah and Adira, "we hit them hand to hand, Adi you watch our backs, nothing gets through you or else it's over."

Adira nodded her head quickly and took out her knife. Glenn took a deep breathe before opening the doors and rushing out. Nicholas quickly shot a flare to the other side before running towards Aiden.

Once Glenn made it to Nicholas, Adira quickly turned around and killed any walker that made their way over. She heard the sickening screams of Aiden as they tried pulling him off. Her eyes never turned back, only focusing on the bright red light that was slowly turning dark. "The flares burning out."

"Nick— nick don't leave me." Aiden whimpered and Adira almost felt bad for him. But right now all she could think about was Tara.

A group of four walkers came over and she let Noah shoot them.

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