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{The next day} (Your P.O.V)

I woke up from the sounds of bird's chripping and sun rays directly falling on my face through the window I had in my room. I woke up and prayed to God for blessing me this another beautiful day of life (the first thing I do daily morning)I got off my bed and got ready and went towards the kitchen to help my mother in making breakfast. After we were done with the breakfast, my parents went to work in the field while I went to the garden which was Just behind our house, it had beautiful flowers and I really loved to sit there and read books, write dairy or simply walk around the garden to fresh my mind. I was reading a novel with the title "Heartbeat" it was very intresting, apart from designing of dresses I Loved reading and writing novels/Stories. I read a few chapters of book after which I walked around to simply freshen my mind. After some time I got up and went inside to prepare lunch, usually mom would do it but as I saw her exhausted after working, I said her I would prepare the lunch which she ofcourse denied at first but after I persuaded her she accepted. After preparing and having the lunch, I went to the basement to continue my work (sewing dresses) After 4-5hrs I completed with my work, that's when my mom said me to get ready for the ball. I went to my room and took a warm shower after which I wore my bathrobe and came out of the bathroom. I dried my hair and brushed it, did my not so long skin care, applied a Lil bit of makeup and wore the dress, which I was longing to wear. It was a simple yet beautiful and elegant red colour gown, it was quite a lot of hard work to make the dress but it was all worth it. I did a few curls on my hair and left it open. I got the Princess feel after wearing the dress it looked gorgeous. I felt a bit bold and confidence all of a sudden maybe it was because of the bold and fancy colour of my dress or maybe because of the Princess aura I was surrounded by after wearing the dress. Whatever it was, I Loved it. I wasn't feeling insecure like I would feel any other day rather I felt pretty and confident. I walked out of the room and towards our living room and saw my parents coming out of their own room they both looked very good like a lovely young couple, crazy in love and the matching outfits made the couple look more charming and fancy. "Oh my! My! You look so prettyyy my daughter!" My mom exclaimed "Thankyou ma! You yourself are looking so beautiful and dad you look handsome too!" I said "Thankyou my daughter. You know, your dad always looks young and handsome. Don't I, jagiya?" dad said with a teasing smile on his face. "Yeah! Yeah! With that almost bald head you look veryyy handsome!" Your mom exclaimed as you laughed "WHAT!? Do I look bald? When the heck did I started having hair loss?" Your dad said making y'all bust out in a fist of laughter. "Ok! Ok! Joke's apart the royal car might be here let's go!" mom said as me and my dad nodded our head and went out and saw the royal car waiting there with a driver standing beside the car. "Mr. Park has sent me here to escort y'all to the main hall" said the driver while bowing as y'all bowed back and sat in car. Me and mom sat at the back while dad sat beside the driver in the passenger seat, the driver drove off towards your destination.

{In the royal mansion} (Author's P.O.V.)

The Morning at the royal mansion started with work and that's when everyone knew it would be hectic. Everyone were specified with particular work and where supposed to complete it on time. Even the birthday boy had to work, he was the prince afterall. Taehyung woke up and quickly freshen up and went to the dinning room to have breakfast. Everyone wished Taehyung birthday greetings as soon as he entered the dinning area, he thanked them and everyone continued having breakfast in silence. After having the breakfast the king and the prince(Kim Taehyung) went to the office to continue with their work as scheduled. While the queen and Princess(Kim Soheyon) went to shopping of dresses and buy a gift for the prince. All the maids and guard's were at the Gyeongbokgung in Palace (the main royal palace, located in northern Seoul, South Korea) where the royal ball was held. All of them were busy in preparing the hall for the evening party.
Jimin, the prince's assistant was probably more busy than the prince itself. He had to attend all the mettings with Taehyung and had to be present with him throughout the work hours, he also had to check out the arrangements of the royal ball. After completing the work at the office. "Your highness! Today's scheduled work is done. Now it's time for you to get ready for the ball." Jimin said, "No need to be so formal Mr. Park. Nobody is around." Taehyung said, "Ohk! As you say Mr. Good boy!" Jimin said in a mocking voice. "Yeah! Mr. Shorty!" Taehyung teased back, "I am not short!" Jimin replied angrily (in a cute way, cause he is our baby mochi) "Yes! You are not short but super short! Haha!" Taehyung said and laughed, "KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jimin whispered yelled at him as a warning. "Sorry! Sorry Mr. Short- Oops! I mean Mr. Park!" Taehyung said with a giggle, Jimin glared at him but again gigled at their own childishness.

WHEN THE COLD PRINCE FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU; YOU AS THE SHY GIRLDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora