"Wellspring did not treat me well when I arrived, I remember these once, I was at the grocery store and these man approached me hitting on me" jimin stared at him giving him his full attention "but you know, words turned into touches and I tried my best to just ignore the fucker when he slapped my ass, I turned around and he saw Hoseok at that time he was barely six months old and I had him strapped to my chest and well- the whole time I was giving him my back, but... when he saw him he just took an aggressive step back and shouted at me that what was I even thinking trying to seduce a mated alpha and- ugh"

"His mate appeared and she just didn't care hobi was crying she just slapped me across the face" bitterly laughing "I didn't even bother to fight back I just wanted to get the two of us to the car, there was these other time that I think is the scariest thing that has happened to me since I moved here" jimin frowned but the man next to him didn't show emotion at all "I got my heat but I didn't have any suppressants and- i'm living alone with Hoseok so I myself had to go to the drugstore and get suppressants"

He chuckled shaking his head "if I'm honest now it's funny... that night I met jungkook" looking at the bakery across the street before continuing to speak "I went down there it was already night, I bought what I needed and left but as I was making my way back to the apartment these two guys- alphas- approached me with the usual, stupid compliments that are gross then they started to invite me over to their place"

"They cornered me around and started to cross the line, I honestly felt scared but I wasn't going to let them have it their way" looking at jimin with a small smile "I kicked them in the balls" the smile turning into a proud one when he made jimin laugh "i don't know why but I expected that" shaking slightly his head "well ofcourse they tried to fight me back but jungkook then appeared, he is a good fighter for your information, literally kicked their ass and left no crumbs" smiling a little wider "I also met that night his grandmother, they where returning from the store and helped me out, later on she offered me a job since I wasn't working and already needed the money" he stood up helping the younger up "so you already know, whatever you need we are here for you, you aren't alone here" giving him a quick hug, the two enjoying some time together while the blonde got some work done. Jun-seo took a big bite of the bread Hoseok offered him "Bon-Hwa made it" jun-seo hummed remembering the man he knew as jungkooks grandfather, his eyes moved up to find a group of kids looking at them, or specifically him.

Mumbling and signaling him before one of the boy's approached him "hi" jun-seo greeted feeling expectant to make a new friend but the taller kid ignored him after giving him an almost disgusted look and turning to Hoseok "why are you friends with him? Don't you know his mom is a hooker? That's what my mom and her friends say" Hoseok frowned "why do you care? He is my friend now leave" jun-seo felt confused at the unknown meaning of the word but he vaguely remembered to have heard before "you are dumb to be his friend, his mom will make your family sad" Hoseok stood up glaring at the way taller boy while jun-seo remained confused "get lost! I don't like you" pushing back the taller who got angrier and pushed harder the short beta making him fall back to the ground "hey!!" The little alpha quickly got up helping Hoseok up "it's fine seonie he is just a big dumb cry baby" his words seeming to get angrier the older boy "I'm not a crybaby! I'm saying the truth, his mom" looking at jun-seo who had been standing protectively in front of hoseok "is a hooker that goes around breaking happy family's, because that's what un mated omegas do" jun-seo's tiny fist clenched each time the boy continued to speak "and you are stupid because you are friends with a mistake like him!" That was it for him.

Hoseoks eyes went wide as his best friend balanced himself on top of the older pushing him down to the ground and hitting him on the face as hot tears rolled down jun-seo's cheeks.

Jimins eyes widened when a man entered his shop dragging a crying jun-seo "what are you doing?!" He quickly took his son on his hold the boy wrapping his arms around jimin "your son punched my kid!!" The man was clearly angered Making the blonde notice the woman and child behind the man "that's no excuse for you to drag a child across the street!" Pushing his son behind him "he punched my son for no reason! He must have learnt that from a whore like you!" Jimin raised his hand when the man tried to take a step closer "don't you dare, take a step closer, jun-seo. What happened in the park?" He sternly spoke but did not move keeping his glare at the man in front of him "he- he told hobi to- to not be my friend be- because his mom said you a-are a h-hooker" his son sobbed out making him grow angry and his heart to clench "and- and that you brake family's and then he p-pushed hobi j- just because daddy is- is not here" hiding his face in jimins shirt by his waist while his mom placed a hand on his back while a lump formed on his throat that he shrugged down even if it hurt him to hear his son sob "I think the one that should watch how they educate their child is you, my son might have acted the wrong way and your son might not even know what he did but that's all on you, your wife told lies to my son and yours so please keep these in your house and leave my shop"

The man took a very close step to the blonde who stood protectively in front of his son "you fuck-"

"I told you, get out of my shop" jimin yelped when he had his face grabbed forcefully by the man shoving his face towards his "you should be the one to get the hell out of these town we don't need omegas like you tearing our families apart" the blonde hissed pushing back the man making sure to keep his son in distance "how dare you touch him?!" The woman screamed from behind making jimin scoff while she held her own crying son, the man stepped closer once again and raised his hand just as the door of the flower shop slammed open once again, jungkook appearing while he huffed out of breath, the older alpha staring wide eyed when he was grabbed by the collar by the younger alpha "don't you fucking. Try to hurt them" dark angered eyes sending daggers to the other man "why would you even care about a slut like him?" Pushing away jungkooks hand who stood protectively in front of the pair, jun-seo's still loud sobs making his heart break "you are the one causing the trouble" jimins voice right away speaking up with a scoff "wanna know something funny? I remember your husband" glaring at the man but speaking at the woman "he came around here last week" smirking with despise at the family "he asked me for a bouquet of pink roses, for his lover the blonde girl the one that works at the library, yeah her" she widened her eyes looking at her mate who didn't dare to look at her "so don't try to come into my shop, to try and accuse me of things I have never done, and most importantly. Don't you dare try to get those ideas in my sons head because the only cheater here is you. Now, get the hell out of my shop" he clenched his jaw and left with his family, as soon as the door closed he heaved out a sigh turning to look at his son "are you alright?" Crouching down in front of the boy who sniffled hugging the omega tightly "why are they so mean? We didn't do anything" he hugged back his son just as tight.

"Jun-seo" he pulled back with teary eyes "people will never treat us the best, we will always find someone like them but you really should not have done that, you should have told me" taking the boy by his shoulder staring into the green eyes that reminded him of his late mate "but he was being mean, why was he calling you that?"

"Listen, since your daddy isn't here anymore people think things went differently for me because they never met him but we both know who he was" jun-seo nodded "what they say doesn't matter because I'm the one that deals with it" jun-seo looked down at his fist, his bottom lip trembling "b- but what they say always makes you sad, just like with your old friends, they said stuff I didn't understand but it always made you cry" jimin bite down his lip trying to not break down into tears "I know, I know jun-seo but these is something you will only understand when you are older, and it doesn't matter what they say because I know the truth and I have you, you is all I need pumpkin because i-" his voice quivered making him gulp down the lump "because I will be fine no matter what, as long as I see you be happy, and I know that you are happier here and not everyone here is mean" Pulling the boy back in his arms, jimin then stood up again and looked at the alpha already looking at him and his son "yoongi called me" he spoke guessing the blonde was wondering how he knew about the commotion by the look of his eyes, jimin nodded understanding "are you two really alright?" The omega hummed.

"We are fine jungkook, thanks for worrying, you came right on time" his brown eyes looking between the two while feeling his chest warm, he had done well in protecting them "we are just going to head back home for now" he nodded and helped them out the little alpha stuck to jimins side. And the omega instinctively keeping him close as well.

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