"Huh" you stare in front of the mirror as you began to wonder about things. "Does it really matter?"

"Yes, of course, it matters, simple gossip could turn into a big scandal, and if they heard me talking about my papa, it's like hearing what's my next plan for the company, it's supposed to be private" you sighed and entered the shower with Lil. "Don't worry about it, things can die down easily, besides, the biggest scandal you have is me" your eyebrow furrowed making Lil giggle and kiss your lip. "Don't worry, I won't tell a soul"

Well if she did try to tell anyone, You could just take care of it by pulling a few strings.

You really aren't a good person, I mean, isn't everyone a bad person deep down? The path of doing a big business isn't easy as it looks from Youtube videos, there are harsh realities that you have to face, especially when you were just a small company back then, all the fraud, all the skillful acting just to get what they want. It almost cost your life. Good thing you were more clever than them and made someone pull the trigger. No, you didn't kill anyone, you didn't pay a hitman, he killed himself, Serves him right honestly, he was manipulating you, using you, violating you. Sending him to hell isn't enough for what he had done to you.

The black limo parked in front of the airport entrance, it's almost lunch when you arrived, you got out wore your blank tinted glasses, wearing designer clothes you walk your way inside the airport, you brought 2 guards with you to help you carry the luggage, also because you made them hold a banner that says "Welcome to New York PAPA!" and small letters below that says "HI GIRLS"

You tap your heels as you waited, you removed your shades when you finally saw them, your father wearing floral clothes, simple men's shorts, and slippers. He looks like he's going to the beach. The girls still wearing the same clothing, all black and red except Azazel who was staring at everything like a child in Disneyland

"There they are!" you pointed making both of the guards raise the banner, looking around to see who you are pointing at. Helltaker and the girls step outside the entrance, you waved both of your hands frantically to catch their attention. Helltaker saw you and before he could wave his hand, the girls immediately run to you and hug you, falling on the ground with them, Lucifer stood on her ground with Helltaker who tried to pull them off of you one by one, the guards help as well. Cerberus is still stuck to you, both of the guards had a hard time removing them, you gesture that it's okay. "We missed you so much!" Cerberus said snuggling their face to your clothing. You pat their head smiling.

"I miss you guys as well" "(Y/n)" Helltaker open his arms with a warm smile, you hugged him- with Cerberus still stuck to you. "I am soo happy that you living with me papa," you said pulling away from the hug. "Really?" he asks while grinning, his gaze then turning to your bodyguards "Who are these guys," he asks pointing to them.

Rold and Ralf slightly bowed their head "Oh this is my..bodyguards" you said showing a nervous toothy smile to Helltaker, his jaw-dropping a bit, and staring at you in disbelief.

"Bodyguard?!" they all exclaim making you grin nervously, few people are now glancing in your direction, wondering what's the commotion about.

"Why don't we go chat at home? I'll explain everything in there" you said motioning your bodyguards to carry the luggage that your father is holding, the girls weren't really carrying anything. "Ah thank you," Helltaker said to Rold who carried the luggage at the back of the limousine.

"This way," you said pointing towards your car, Ralf opened the door and everyone hopped in.

"Is this your house?" Helltaker ask as he pointed toward a modern house, the limo passed by it making Helltaker drop his finger. "Okay, not that one either"

My Papa's...harem!? (Helltaker Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now