Epilogue - Happiest Us

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BHAHAHA whoever fixed this pic, they are fav 😩❤️✨

BHAHAHA whoever fixed this pic, they are fav 😩❤️✨

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Credit: Hyung on Facebook, I Don't Own This Edit)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Credit: Hyung on Facebook, I Don't Own This Edit)


10 year have passed since the apocalypse:

They are adults now. The gang, they are in their late 20s or just entered 30s.

All of them trying to keep up the world. The government funded them, well...to an extent.

Some went to college, so didn’t.... But yes, they are doing well more than they thought they would.

Cheongsan, he's a writer. Yep, a writer. It wasn’t the first thing he thought he would do. When he was in uni, while doing a project, his Professor discovered his talent.

Well, he didn’t call it his talent. He was never an expressive person. He couldn't confess his crush to OnJo for years. He confessed way too late his love for Suhyeok, well he doesn’t think he would confess if the apocalypse didn’t happen.

That incident, horrible one was an understatement.
It taught him to express his thoughts, not to bottle it up in him. So he pours it in his writing. Turns out he's actually very good at expressing feelings.

Suhyeok is a runner. Well, he thinks his parents would laugh at him if they would know he's a professional athlete. He's in the national team.

He still doesn't know how he started this as profession. He always has been athletic.

OnJo, a firefighter. Yes, she followed her father. He was a hero to her...and many. He saved her and her friends. She wants to be someone who like him who can help others in need. Hope her father would be proud of her. She knew he would.

Nam-Ra is a scientist. Everyone says she suits the profession. She actually was fascinated by how her body worked fighting zombie virus. She lived through it, she wanted to know how. Also to know the unknown, to create the cures for the viruses and diseases.

Nam-Ra and OnJo were still together. They are thinking of getting married soon.

Min-Ji, she enrolled into military. She hated how the military treated her. So she wants to climb up onto more positions than them and show them what she can do!

BL-Happiest Us (All of Us Are Dead - Suhyeok x Cheongsan)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang