The stranger looked at Keya with a raised brow. "No, my name is Toph. But yeah, I'm tough as well." She smirked.

"Oh! My bad, Toph." Keya apologized to her new acquaintance.

Toph just shrugged and took a sip of her tea. Keya sat down and accepted the cup that Mushi handed her. The three sat silently for a bit before Toph spoke again.

"Just because you poured a cup for your friend doesn't mean that I believe you, old man. You still wouldn't let me pour my own cup of tea."

"I poured your tea because I wanted to and for no other reason." Mushi replied sagely.

"People see me and think I'm weak. They want to take care of me, but I can take care of myself by myself."

"There's no shame in getting, or even needing help." Keya replied softly. "I know a lot of very strong people who need help doing some things. It's a part of being human, especially when you're younger." The teen thought back to her sick mother and three brothers. Only mother earth herself knew how they were doing now. Keya had no clue. That realization scared her, so she suppressed it again.

"You sound like my nephew," Mushi added, "always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone's support. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you." Keya listened to their conversation with interest. At the mention of love, Mushi hastily back tracked. "Not that I love you." He clarified. "Well, I just met you."

Mushi's amusing clarification made Toph laugh, highlighting her young age. Keya thought she looked rather cute, despite the girl emphasizing her own toughness.

After Toph stopped laughing, she continued the conversation. "So, where is your nephew? Why isn't he with you and your friend?"

At the mention of his nephew, Mushi looked down at his tea with a forlorn look on his face. Keya reached out her hand in support. "I've been tracking him, actually." Mushi took a sip of his tea.

"Is he lost?" Toph asked curiously. Keya silently shook her head, forgetting for a moment that the girl before her was blind.

"Yes, a little bit. His life has recently changed, and he's going through difficult times. He's trying to figure out who he is and he went away." Mushi looked down sadly and Keya gave his knee a soft squeeze.

"So now you're following him." Toph concluded.

"I know he doesn't want me around right now," Mushi continued, "but if he needs me, I'll be there."

Toph smiled and took her last sip. "Your nephew is very lucky, even if he doesn't know it."

"He is. His uncle is a good man. I haven't known him for long, but as I'm sure you've noticed, he deeply cares for him." Keya confirmed confidently in support of her friend.

Toph put her cup down. She stood up and turned to the two people in front of her. "Thank you." She said. Keya gave a respectful bow in response, once more forgetting that the girl was blind.

"My pleasure." Mushi spoke for the two of them. "Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true delights. That's how I met my friend here." He motioned to Keya, who nodded.

"No." Toph clarified. "Thank you for what you two said. It helped me." The young girl bent down and felt for her bag. Keya leaned over and handed it to her. "Here you go." She said and the girl accepted it with a soft smile.

"I'm glad that it helped you." Mushi smiled sincerely. "No problem, kid." Keya added. Toph started to walk away, but stopped and turned back around.

"Oh, and about your nephew, maybe you should tell him that you need him too."

Mushi said nothing and thoughtfully took another sip of his tea. Keya decided to leave him to his thoughts for a moment. It seemed like Toph's words had evoked some feelings in the old man.

With the leave of their new friend, Mushi and Keya decided to wait for dinner and finish the tea first. It seemed like the man had much to think about. The sun slowly started to get low, showing its golden hues in a softer way.

After they had sat for a while, an explosion suddenly sounded far off in the distance. The two looked up.

"Oh no." Keya stood up and started packing their stuff hastily. "I don't think it's safe here for much longer, Mushi." She commented. They needed to leave now before it was too late. Whatever was going on in the distance could easily head their way.

However, Mushi did not move from his place. He just continued to look into the far distance with his bushy eyebrows scrunched together to form a worried frown.

"Mushi...?" Keya halted her packing and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I do not think that I am coming with you, Keya." He turned to look at her. His soft, brown eyes sparkled with sadness and hope.

Keya's heart sank. "Why's that?"

"I have reason to believe that my nephew is involved with that explosion." He answered. "I must go over there to help him." Mushi stood up slowly and gathered his things. Keya stood beside him sadly. She knew that they would part ways some day, but now that it was actually happening...

"I'm sad to see you go so soon. I had hoped that we could travel together, if only so that I could enjoy your tea some more." She joked, but her voice trembled. Mushi looked at her with sympathy.

"I know, young one. Sharing tea with you has been a delight. I hope that we may see each other soon, but I understand that you do not wish to get involved with any danger. At least, I should hope that you don't."

Keya shook her head 'no' with a small chuckle. She quickly kicked out the small fire and scanned the camp for any forgotten items. She found none.

"Take care of yourself, old man. And make sure to keep that nephew of yours in check. From what I hear, he sounds like quite the troublemaker."

Mushi chuckled, still keeping an eye on the rising smoke in the distance. More explosions sounded. It looked far more dangerous than Keya was comfortable with. If Mushi's nephew had gotten in trouble with firebenders, she had all the more reasons to steer clear of that area.

"You take care of yourself as well, Keya. Good luck with the rest of your journey."

The teenager and the old man stood in front of each other, neither wanting to end their travels together. But what must be done, must be done. Mushi knew that Keya was in hot water with the Fire Nation, despite never having explained exactly why. It would be too risky to let her come near any other firebenders, especially since he already had an idea of just who was out there fighting his nephew (if the flashes of blue were anything to go by).

Keya gave Mushi a respectful bow. Mushi pulled her in for a tight hug. The young woman almost sobbed in his arms. She hadn't been hugged for a long time.

"I'll miss you." She whispered. Her grey eyes were sparkling with unshed tears. "I'm scared to go on by myself."

Mushi pulled back from their hug and kept a firm hand on her shoulder. "You're a capable young lady. I'm sure you'll be alright." His encouraging words almost made Keya want to cry even more.

"Thank you, Mushi." She bowed once more, but the growing sounds of explosions put an end to their teary farewell. Mushi waved one final goodbye and hurried down the path to an abandoned town covered in smoke and flames.

Keya wiped her eyes and patted her own cheeks. "C'mon now, Keya. Be brave." She mumbled to herself and set off in the other direction.

Once again, she was on her way to safety... All by herself.

A/N: I <3 Toph

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