Chapter 29. Vows and crowns

Start from the beginning

A smile appeared on my face as I quickly got out of bed and hugged Genya, who chuckled and ushered me into the bathroom. I heard Ivan scoff but I ignored him.

Genya made me take a bath and when I was done she handed me a dress to wear. Seeing my questioning look she shrugged. ''The Darkling doesn't think you'll need a Kefta when you are inside the Palace. You are a queen now.'' She explained, rolling her eyes and glaring at the wall, probably imagining the Darkling's face. I quickly got dressed with Genya's assistance. Then I had a quick lunch.

Once I was ready, Ivan led us to the wing I snuck out to the day before. Knowing the way and unable to contain my excitement, I walked faster and soon Ivan was behind me. He didn't stop me, so I just opened the doors to the common room and looked around.

''Mal!'' I cried out when I saw him.

''Alina? Don't tell me you snuck out again...'' Mal started but I shook my head.

''No, this time she is allowed to be here.'' Ivan sneered from behind me. He had finally caught up with me. Genya stuck her tongue out to him from behind his back. I snickered and Ivan looked at me, confused. When I didn't explain, he grunted and moved to a chair in the corner of the room.

''Wow, I know Mal is handsome and all... But no greetings for us?'' Tamar joked as she approached us. I smiled at her and gave her a hug. ''That's more like it.'' She laughed.

Soon I had hugged everyone, even David, and we were seated comfortably on the couches.

''So, have you seen Nikolai and Zoya?'' I asked around.

''No, not since we've sworn our allegiance to the Darkling.'' Answered Nadia.

''I have.'' Piped in Genya. ''But only because I was allowed to help Zoya get ready for Alina's engagement party. They have their own quarters and I overheard the Darkling offering Nikolai the position of military strategist. I don't think he has accepted yet, though.''

''And what of the baby?'' I asked.

''She's fine, healthy. Though the Darkling did want Zoya to arrange for a nanny, for he wants her back in training as soon as possible.'' I frowned at hearing this from Genya.

"Yes, he mentioned he wanted us to resume our training as well." Nina mentioned.

"It is normal for Grisha to fight. You should be honored." Ivan interrupted.

"Right, the guy that has to watch me talks about honor in battle..." I retorted sarcastically.
Ivan opened his mouth to speak, thought better of it, and merely scoffed.

"If I hadn't been seen life beyond the Little Palace, I would've agreed with Ivan." Nina spoke again. "But I have. By now most of you know that shortly after the Battle of the Fold, I was captured by Drüskelle. I was put on a ship headed to the Ice Court. But a storm capsized the ship and I got stranded with my captor. His name was Matthias. We were stuck with each other and after a while, I began to have feelings for him. After Matthias spent a few months in Ketterdam's prison..." Many brows were furrowed at this particular part of the story. "Well it was the only shot I had at saving him at the time. However I got him out and we then went with the Crows to the Ice Court to break someone out. Eventually we succeeded and we made it back to Ketterdam only to end up in the middle of a gang war. Matthias got shot and he died in my arms." Nina halted for a moment, for her voice broke at the last part. She sighed. "So there is so much more I got to experience. I mean, for one, I would like to return to Fjerda and seek out others like Matthias. Others who have a good heart and don't think bad about all Grisha."

"Fjerdans are not to be trusted, Zenik. The Darkling will never allow you to go and he would be right to forbid it." Ivan said matter of factly.

"Well, maybe the Darkling is too old to see things the way I do. He is just too stuck in his own ways." Nina shot back.

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