Chapter 29. Vows and crowns

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(Yes indeed! This is the wedding dress. Wonder who chose the colors XD)

It didn't take me long to go to sleep when we returned to our chambers. As it turns out, alcohol makes me incredibly tired. I didn't even notice it when the Darkling slipped under the covers next to me.

My dreams were haunted by images of standing before the altar, looking up at the Darkling who tells me that now I would always be his. Shadows push me up the altar and I have to say 'I do'. And when I said that the shadows would engulf me and turn into the outlines of a dark cell in which I'm trapped. I would scream and shout but no one would come to my aid...

''Alina!'' The Darkling's voice rang in my head. But it wasn't the Darkling in my dreams...
''Alina!'' I'm waking up to screams. My own screams. ''Alina, wake up. You're having a nightmare!''

I opened my eyes and sat upright. Sweat covered my forehead. I was shaking uncontrollably. I barely registered the splashing of water until a wet cloth was being pressed against my forehead. ''Lay down.'' The Darkling's voice spoke softly and I obeyed. He gently dabbed my forehead with the wet cloth and the coolness was soothing. I sighed and closed my eyes. ''I have them too.'' The Darkling whispered.

''What?'' I mumbled, confused.

''Nightmares.'' He answered

''Well, you don't have to lay in bed every night with the cause of your nightmares.'' I wanted to retorted angrily, but it came out as a sort of whimper.

It remained silent for a while.

''Tell me about it.'' The Darkling eventually said, and I furrowed my eyebrows. ''It will help, I promise.''

I tried to recall my dream. ''I was standing before the altar. Looking up at you. You told me I would finally be yours now. We said the vows and you forced me to say 'I do'. Then your shadows engulfed me and formed into a cage. And however I cried or screamed, no one came to my aid.'' Tears welled up in my eyes again. ''Please don't force me into this marriage.'' I pleaded again.

''You know it's necessary." The Darkling answered wearily, tired of having the same conversation again. "I love you, and I hope one day, being with me won't feel like being stuck in a cage anymore. It doesn't have to feel that way." He cupped my cheek and wiped a tear away. I leaned into his touch. Feeling desire yet again, I asked something of him I would never have done, had I not been so vulnerable and scared. Later I would just blame it on the tether, but for now I needed it.

''Will you hold me until I fall asleep again?'' I was surprised by this, by my own weakness, but I needed to be held. And Mal wasn't here.
The Darkling nodded and cradled me into his arms. He held me until I fell asleep again, stroking my hair. And this time, it was a dreamless sleep.

''Alina, wake up!'' A feminine, familiar voice woke me up. I opened my eyes, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the light in the room. Genya was standing in front of the bed, looking impatient. Ivan was lurking in a corner, defenitely not happy to be here. ''Finally!'' Genya exclaimed. ''Go wash up quickly. We have so much to do today and you slept in! It is already almost lunch time!''

''What is happening today? The wedding isn't until tomorrow and my dress is already fitted.'' I protested, wanting to remain in bed.

"Today." Genya was pointing to me. "Is your last day of freedom." I scoffed at this.

"Genya, I don't know if you've noticed but this is not really free is it?" I gestured at Ivan. "So let me get a few more hours of sleep." I moved on to my side and closed my eyes again.

"No... You. Get. Up. Now!" Genya said while pulling the blankets off of the bed. "You may visit the others for the remainder of this day."

At this news I shot upright and looked at Ivan questioningly, who rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yes, miss Safin is right. The Darkling has allowed you to visit your... friends... for the rest of the day. However, I'll be there to supervise, so don't get any funny ideas." Ivan explained, folding his arms.

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