Chapter 13

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"No, I-I just wanted to apologize to you, Hansol..." Seungkwan said a little uncertainly. "I'm sorry, Hansol. I really didn't mean that. It just surprised me and then I overdid it a bit..."

"Just a little, Seungkwan?" Hansol scoffed. "But I forgave you already, Kwan. You're here and that means a lot to me."

"A-Are you serious?"

Hansol smiled and came closed to Seungkwan. "Of course, I am. And I want to hug you. So... Please, don't punch me again."

"Don't worry, Sol." 

Hansol grinned and hugged Seungkwan carefully. Seungkwan hugged Hansol back and put his head on Hansol's shoulder gently.

"I'm so sorry, Hansol..." Seungkwan said silently.

"Don't apologize to me, Kwan."

Seungkwan smiled for himself and suddenly gave a light kiss on Hansol's cheek.


"So... What do you think they're doing there right now?" Soonyoung asked a little worriedly.

Seokmin grabbed Soonyoung's hand into his gently, making him look into his eyes. "Don't worry, Soonyoungie. I think they're doing well. At least, we haven't heard Seungkwan's scream," Seokmin said with a grin.

Soonyoung giggled. "Yeah... You're right, Seok. I just hope they're fine, that's all."

"Soonyoung..." Seokmin sighed. "Nothing is your fault, you didn't do anything wrong." Seokmin hugged him. "You just wanted to help them. Now it's just up to them."


"Sammy! I'm so happy you're here again," Mrs. Lee said happily, pulling Samuel into a warm hug. "You're so cute!"

"Please, mom..." I said a little bit annoyed.

I grabbed Samuel by his hand and led him to my room as fast as possible.

"Again... Please, ignore my mum..."

Samuel giggled. "You're mom is awesome."

I smiled and jumped on my bed. I felt exhausted. Samuel looked at me. He sat on the bed next to me. Samuel leaned over and kissed me on my forehead.

I pushed him away gently. "You're not my mom, Sam~"

He laughed. "I know, but you look like a babiee~"

"Stop, Samuel!" I said with a laugh.

He suddenly started tickling me.

"P-Please, stop tickling me, Sa-Samuel!"

After a while, Samuel lay next to me on the bed. "I love every moment I spend with you, Jihoonnie."

"Me too, Sammy. And please, stop saying me a baby... Because the only baby here is you!"

"Maybe~ But I'm much taller than you. So... You're the only baby here!"

"I. Said. It. Before. Samuel! I. Am. Not. A. Baby!" I said angrily and silenced him with a kiss.


Hansol and Seungkwan were kissing each other. Then Seungkwan suddenly pulled away from Hansol. "Wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Hansol asked worriedly.

"I fully forgot about Soonyoung and Seokmin!" Seungkwan responded, quickly running to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he calmed down a bit and a smile has appeared on his face. Hansol stood next to him and smiled as well.

"Well..." Hansol spoke all of sudden. "I think they don't need us anymore. So we can return back to my room," he added with a smile, giving a light kiss on Seungkwan's cheek.

Seungkwan a little blushed. "Yeah~ I think we can. They really don't need us, at least not for now. But I have to admit they are cute, haha," Seungkwan silently laughed. 

"Yeah... Are you sure you forgot about them, hm?" Hansol asked teasingly.

"Of course!" Seungkwan pouted. Seungkwan quickly pulled out his phone.

"What do you wanna do?"

"I just want to take a picture of them, that's all."


"Okay, fine! Then I wanted to make fun of them, are you satisfied?"

"Yup." Hansol smiled and then his smile has disappeared. "Don't try to make fun of them!" he added strictly.

"But why not, mom!?" Seungkwan pouted. As soon as he took a picture of the sleeping couple, he quickly hid his phone in his pocket.

"Because they're the same. They've finally found each other like us." Hansol quickly pulled Seungkwan back into the room and closed the door. "So... Where did we end up?"

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