Chapter 1: Chiba's #1 loner returns

Start from the beginning

And at least that lead me to being proficient in all positions in baseball, I even learned tennis, good job, young me, why didn't I just become a baseball player?

Oh yeah

If I became a baseball player

I needed to "get along" with my teammates

(Yup, definitely not my thing)

After continuous deliberations about my loneliness

Something immediately caught my attention.

My eyes were ludicrously glued onto that direction.

No! Onto that object.

A beautiful rectangle, clothed in the colors of black and yellow, a perfect harmony indeed, and whilst the flaming hot sun proved to be an annoyance to me, that was before, now, it had purpose, and that very purpose was to shine light on that magnificent object.

It was majestic.

It was breathtaking.

It was heavenly.

Before a second passed, every visible part of that object was analyzed, those big, beautiful, letters, created a set of patterns that formed a word.




YES! MAX COFFEE!! What's more, it was a Max Coffee vending machine!! Filled only with Max Coffee!!

And while its figure alone was already beautiful, the light shining down on it increased its beauty tenfold.

(Come to think of it, I am a little thirsty)

Yes, that was just how powerful the Max vending machine was.

With the glittering light shining down upon it, it seemed like a heaven-sent blessing.

Even now, as I continue glaring, it felt as if angels were appearing near my ears, whispering sweet words of temptation on me.

(C'mon, you know you want it)

(Your blissful reunion has come)

(No, I don't want it)

*Licks*(This the taste of a Liar! Hikigaya Hachiman!)

Were there any angels that were this sadistic? No there weren't, right? They sounded more like devils temping me rather than angels.

Should I just get out? It's worth it right?

5 Seconds have passed.

While my mind was being torn apart, the fabulous Max vending machine finally left my field of vision.

(Oh, I see. we've driven past it now)

I survived, but at what cost? Not being able to drink some Max? I'll just buy lots tomorrow.

Now that my mind is no longer in a state of pandemonium, I can relax again.

(It's been a while since I've lost my cool huh)

Closing my eyes, I decided to just listen to the radio.





"Chiba Machi yo Radio!!!"

(Gets me every time)

"Good morning! Greetings, all. This is Chiba Radio, and your host once again is me, Kai Harada"

(I remember this guy)

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