(39) Reinforcements From the Future

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The three of them parked on the side of the road as they tried to finish their lunch. Wes only kept dropping crumps all over himself. "So filthy." Sam glared.

"Whoops." Wes dusted the crumps off himself and onto the floor.

"Not on the floor." Eric whined. "You're such a pig." Wes gave him a teasing smile. Eric rolled his eyes.

"No more arguing please. I'm already getting a headache." Sam pleaded.

"I'm pretty sure it's just the beret squishing your head." Eric mocked.

"That too." Sam said. "Are you guys sure there are mutants here? We haven't even found a single mutant." She asked.

"Maybe it's about time I call, Trip. Then maybe-"

Before Wes could finish his sentence, a yellow car zoomed right past them. "She's fast." Sam said.

"We can finished this conversation later." Eric said.

He turned on the car and began driving. When he finally caught up to the car, he turned on the sirens. Thankfully, the car willingly pulled over. "Stay here, I'll be back."

Eric got out of the car and walked towards the yellow one. "He's definitely not going easy on them." Wes smirked.

"When does he ever." Sam scoffed.

Not longer later, Eric came back. "So, did you give her a ticket?" Wes asked.

"Yep." Eric nodded his head. "I could just tell she was trouble."

"Just your type." Sam mocked.

"Are you kidding?" Eric muttered. He his seatbelt back on and started driving off.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked.

"To look around a little more. Plus, we need to find a hotel."


They drove around for a little longer, but still no sighting of any Mutant. Sam fell asleep in the back of the van. Her head slightly tilted to the side, causing her to wake up. She let out a yawn and looked around. "Still nothing?" She asked.

"Nope." Wes sighed.

"Can't we call it a day and go home? At this point, I'm going to miss school." Sam begged.

"Not until-"

"Code 11. All Silver Guardians report to the plaza."

"There we have it." Wes said.

Eric turned the sirens on and began to drive. More Silver Guardians began to follow.

When they reached the plaza, they could see three mutants standing in the center as civilians began to run away. The Silver Guardians got in position, aiming their weapons at the mutants. "We're the Silver Guardians! You're under arrest!"

"Surrender now or we will be forced to shoot!" Eric shouted.

One of the mutant jumped high in the air, then aiming their beams right at the soldiers. Everyone ducked down behind the the giant rocks or the vans, then began shooting back at them. But none of their weapons were working on the mutants.

The mutants got closer and closer. Only thing they could do now was fight.

The three hopped into action to try and fight them, but they were still too strong. Sam threw a punch, but was thrown into the air in a blink of an eye.

Wes ran over and helped her back to her feet. Then they ran over to Eric. They looked around and saw the rest of the Guardians already out of energy. The three looked at each other and nodded their head.

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