17. Everyone deserves a second chance😊

Start from the beginning

'I have never seen him try so much for anyone. You know what, there was a guy called Uday, Virat's school bestfriend. After a fight with him, Virat never ever mentioned him nor talked to him.' I said recollecting my memory.

'See that's what he is like with people. He screams his emotions. And if someone let's go of him, he doesn't try to fix it. That's what happened with his ex too right.'

'Yeah with Isabelle. That's also a similar case.'

'But look at you two. He's trying since the last two years. That's how much he loves you and cares for you. Maybe he deserves a second chance.'

'What if he takes me for granted again?'

'Trust me, he understood how precious you are. And I am sure he's regretting his words from that night every single day. He's not gonna repeat his mistake again.'

' What if he does?'

'Throw him off from a cliff. Or what ever you want to. But to know if he's gonna do that, you must first give him a chance right.'

'What would you do if you were in my place?'

'I'll give him a second chance for sure.'

'Are you sure, I must do that?'

'Ro, you know how much I love you right. I can see through people's eyes about their intentions when it comes to you. Just like how you knew it all time that Nitya only befriended me for being your girlfriend.'

'How could I not understand that. It was so clear on her face.'

'Exactly Ro. When we love someone, we see through every person and every thing they get in contact with. Because we care for them and we can't bear to see them hurt. You know I love you right.'

'Every mother loves her children the most. But I know that you love me the more than Sammy too. '

'So you trust me when I say that I can understand people's intentions when it comes to you right?'

'Yes I do.'

'Did I ever ask you to do something for me?'

'Yes, so many times. You tell me to not leave the towel on the bed for you, to iron my clothes before wearing them, not to watch tv all the time. If we start discussing this list there's no end to it.'

'Not things like that. I meant serious things.'

'No. I mean I don't remember for now.'

'Forget it. Answer my question. If I ask for something that's very important to me and something that makes me so happy. Will you do it for me?'

'Of course I'll do.'

'Give Virat a second chance. That's all I ask for. If he hurts you again, I promise, it will be me who'll kill him.'

'I need some time to think. I can't change my emotions in a split second right. But yes, I miss him too.'

'Take your time. We'll go see him tomorrow.' Saying this she left the room.

There's an altogether new aspect that has come infront of me. He is an egoistic bastard. He never tries so much for anyone. He talks about Anushka so much all the time, be it in his interview or social media post, but when they broke up he didn't even take the first step to reconcile. Whenever they would fight, he would come to me crying talking about how he accused her of something he didn't even mean. What if he's doing the same about me near her? What if he still loves me?

But what if he doesn't? But Rithika knows everything about me. She observes everyone I talk to. Why would she give me a wrong advice. She's always right. What if I dragged the issue so far? What if he deserves a chance?

But he's in hospital. What if he doesn't live? What if he dies? Then I'll regret about not mending things with him for life long. And what if his spirit haunts me? So I should make sure he should have no negative feelings about me before dying.

But they say, people who commit sins live longer. And he committed grave sin by hurting me so why will he die. But what if he dies and I never get to talk to him ever again. Maybe like Rithika said, I must give him a second chance.

I'll see for a month, if he behaves well with me like a proper best friend I'll continue my friendship with him. If he behaves like an asshole to me, I'll inject drugs into him and make sure he gets caught and be banned from cricket forever. Yes, it sounds good. I'll go ahead with this plan.



I just couldn't stop myself from writing. And once I am done with writing, its hard to hold myself from updating it. So here is the chapter.

I hope you guys liked it. If you did, please vote and comment. It will truly mean a lot and motivates me.

Do tell me what you think of the chapter because I'll edit it and write again if it's not up to the mark.

Stay safe, happy ❤️

See you all in the next update.

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