Fight Fighters

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Cut to Mystery Shack, where Y/n, Stan, Dipper, Mabel and Soos are playing poker.

"King me!" Mabel reveals her hand which has two Kings.

Stan, Soos, Dipper and Y/n all say, "Aww! Come on!"

Stan shouts, "It's not fair, she doesn't even know what we're playing!"

Mabel looks at Y/n, "Go Fish?"

Y/n sighed, "last time I play card with you."

Mabel smiled at him, but remembered the other day and the warm feeling. "G-Good call."

Electric guitar starts playing outside the shack. Soos looks at everyone, "Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head."

Mabel smiled, "Try blinking to see if you can change the channel."

Soos blinks, Robbie sings offscreen, "Weeendy!"

Dipper rolled his eyes, "Ugh, sounds like Robbie."

Stan was wondering, "Robbie? Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?"

Soos holds his arm, "He called me 'Big Dude' once. I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt."

Mabel looks at her pet, "Should we sic Waddles on him again?"

Waddles chews Mabel's sweater; Mabel smiled, "Whoa, easy tiger."

Y/n nods, "I'm sure Parris would teach him a lesson."

Parris grabbed a fedora hat, Y/n looks at her, "what is that gonna do?"

Parris handed him a pamphlet, "in order to keep- I don't want your pamphlet!!"

Dipper gets up, "I'll handle it."

He leaves as they all go, "Ooooooh!"

Stan laughs, "Ha ha, conflict!"

Robbie was still singing, "Wendy! Wendy, Wendy! (Shouting:) Wendy! C'mon out, girl! C'mon down!"

Dipper looks at him unamused, "You realize she's not here, right?"

Robbie scoffs, "Yes! ...What?"

Dipper glared at him, "She's out camping with her family today. (Quietly:) And if you listened to her for once you'd know that."

Robbie got mad, "What was that?!"

Dipper realized what he said, "I- just said she's not here."

Robbie glared at him, "No, no, no! You want to get into it, huh? Lets get into it, kid! You think I don't know what's been going on, huh? It's obvious you've got a thing Wendy, don't you? Don't you?!"

Dipper panicked, "What? No! C'mon, man! And even if I was, she's not your girlfriend!"

Robbie says sarcastically, "Yeah, I'm sure she's just DYING to ask out a 12-year old kid who wears the exact same shorts every day. Hey, here's an idea: (Pulls out his cell phone and calls Wendy) why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go out on a date with you?"

Dipper freaks out, "Hey! Look-! Don't! You don't have to-!"

Robbie mimics Dipper, "Oh! Don't! Please, man! (Holds up phone; normal voice:) What're you gonna do, huh? What, huh?"

Gravity Falls: Comet (Male Reader X Mabel Pines)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon