"Oh please," Mina scolded. "It's because Theo is one of the most powerful Alphas in the United States. He has nothing to prove. He's a natural-born Alpha."

Theo reached over, stealing some of my popcorn. A referee slowly entered the coliseum, signaling the fight was about the begin. With each step the referee took, the roars of the crowd increased.

I was sitting on the edge of my seat, curious to see what would happen. It was so barbaric to fight like this. If the Council knew of this activity, I knew for certain they would have used it as an example of Werewolf's wicked nature. They are beasts, after all. Tonight would prove that notion. Yet, I could not subdue the excitement that boiled within.

"Today, we find out which one of these competitions will join warrior Kai in the Final Fight tomorrow: Alpha Manny or warrior Pete Hudgins," the crowd erupted at the mention of Alpha Manny. Pete was not as lucky to receive so many cheers.


The crowd started to chant Manny's name over and over.


The crowd was so loud my ears started to ring, my own thoughts being muted by the crowd's commotion.


At the end of the countdown, Alpha Manny lunged for Pete. Pete, expecting this move, dodged out of the way, rolling to the side. Pete, standing on the tip of his toes, thrust his body towards Alpha Manny, their bodies colliding in a resounding boom.

Blood dripped off Pete from the sheer force of all his weight slamming into Alpha Manny's unnaturally steel body. Pete stumbled back as Many slashed his face, blood dripping out from his eye. Pete's wolf howled in agony, taking a step back.

I closed my eyes as the carnage intensified. Heath warned me Manny was a violent fighter, but I had never seen something so gruesome before. It was almost as if they did not value their life — or maybe their quality of life. I gulped, swallowing the bile rising in my throat. I couldn't fathom Pete would be able to walk away from the fight without lasting damage, not even his supernatural healing abilities could shield him from permanent effects.

"I thought you said if things get to the point of death, then it means there are illegal tactics involved," I almost whispered out.

While I may not have been looking at the fight, I could hear the snarls and whimpers coming from the center of the arena. I couldn't identify which wolf was whimpering and which was crying out, but I could likely guess.

"Open your eyes." I squeezed my eyes tight before thrusting them open.

The two wolves were circling each other, teeth bared out in a gruesome snarl. They were moving around each other like they were partaking in a dance. To my surprise, Pete's body was already healing his wounds. My eyes bulged as he tried to prolong the pause in action for his body to heal more properly.

"No wonder Mina thought I healed slowly," I muttered to myself as Theo, Heath, Mina, and Flynn laughed.

Manny tried to lunge at Pete, but Pete yet again expected the move and tripped Manny instead. Pete leaped on top of Manny, pinning him down, his teeth latching onto his left ear.

"Three," the announcer shouted as the crowd erupted. Manny tried to get out of Pete's grip, but Pete was holding Manny down at just the right pressure points.

"Two," echoed throughout the coliseum.

In the blink of an eye, Manny launched himself up, flippingPete over. His body crushed Pete into the dirty floor.

"Three," the announcer started the countdown over again as Manny dug his paws into the dirt to create a sturdier cage to trap Pete in. "Two."

Pete squirmed around, trying to break free from Manny's grasp, but it was no use. Manny's body was an unrelenting fortress.

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