Chapter 30: Reunited

Start from the beginning

Loki just let out a huff, patting you gently on the head, telling you that they already knew about it, "no, it's alright Gracie, they kind of put it together after you disappeared". The other Avengers then went on about how moody the God of Mischief was, telling you about how worried and annoying he was as he went on and on about you, thoroughly embarrassing him. You couldn't help but start laughing, it was so cute and after calming down you let out an "aww", before saying that you missed him too, more than anything while hugging Loki some more. "So um... do you love me too?" you ask before saying he didn't have to say it back if he wasn't there yet but you didn't exactly get to finish your statement as Loki cut you off with a kiss. "I do, I love you more than words can convey," Loki declared before standing back up with you in his arms, informing the others he was taking you home, but Thor stopped him.  

The Thunderer placed his hand upon Loki's shoulder but the God of Mischief pulled away, telling him and the others to go deal with Cody, you were safe and that was all that mattered to him. "You won't find him..." you whispered as your mood once again dropped, floating out of Loki's arms and over to Pharaoh to whom you gave plenty of pets, before introducing him to the others. "This is Pharaoh, Cody killed his whole pack, he was the only one left and I couldn't just leave him all alone..." you said softly before telling Pharaoh who everyone there was, their names as well as a brief description of each Avenger. Pharaoh was cautious, remaining by your side, refusing to go near anyone else except for Loki as he was your mate and therefore the other Alpha in your Alpha Pair, together you would lead their pack. After a moment you expressed your desire to return home as you wanted to see Lily, turning to Pharaoh saying how excited you were for him to meet his big sister or was she his little sister? They were both young and although Pharaoh seemed to be about a year Lily was over two years old but he was farther along in development, as your snakey baby still had a year or so left while your cute furry boy only had a few months left until he was all grown up. "I guess seeing as Lily is almost three while your about one she would be the big sister despite you being almost an adult among wolves, not to mention with the size difference you could even argue that she's my big sister too", you say deciding to just go with that while everyone else looked a little confused as they didn't quite understand what you were going on about as you didn't explain your thought process. Not that it mattered, at least to you, seeing as you didn't catch onto their weird expressions, merely asking Loki if they could go home and see Lily, you really needed to hold your snakey baby or let her hold you as technically she couldn't fit in your lap anymore. 

Everyone there was quiet, a little too quiet and you asked what was up, with Loki informing you that Lily wasn't at your house, that she hadn't been for nearly the entire time you were missing. "Where is she?" you demanded, grabbing Loki's arm while looking quite distressed, practically on the verge of tears as you worried what could have happened to your sweet baby Lily. "She's completely fine Love," Loki began, explaining that Shield had Lily moved out of the city as she was far too big to keep there and now she had her very own island to roam around on. You instantly relaxed knowing Lily was safe and you apologize for getting all worked up before rephrasing your request, to go to this island instead, if that were possible, knowing long-distance teleporting took more magic, you didn't want Loki to get all tired because of you. Loki told you that he'd be more than happy to take you and your canine there too, feeling odd about your furry companion as the God of Mischief was definitely not a dog person. 

Before you left, you explained what happened with Cody and most of the Avengers looked surprised by what you managed to do, while you yourself only regretted not being able to save him. While you told them what happened you couldn't help but think about what you said earlier, back at the house when you yelled at Cody, saying all those terrible things that you definitely meant at the time but now, you wish you hadn't said those things, maybe he would still be here and not a puddle of goo. Loki didn't understand, sounding a little mad as he told you not to dwell on it, after all, he hurt and kidnapped you but you just shook your head, "but it wasn't too long ago when I called him my friend". You began to tear up, and Loki pulled you close to comfort you saying, "you did all you could Love, you didn't know this would happen, there was nothing else you could have done and when he needed someone, you were there for him in the end, so in a way, you did save him". The words felt terrible coming out of Loki's mouth, saying anything relatively positive about that bastard who hurt you made him want to hurl, but seeing as you were that upset, he wasn't about to stand aside and simply watch. As it turned out, your big heart really was trouble but it was also part of the reason Loki loved you so much, if your heart wasn't so kind they probably wouldn't have met or at the very least, your meeting would have met nothing to him. 

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