Chapter 9: Mornings

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A faint light pierces through an open curtain. Park peers over the blanket over her, looking out the window and seeing the city outside. For once, things felt normal.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder, followed by a deep voice.

"Sleep well, medovyy?"

Park shuffles around, facing Bell. "I did. Slept better than I ever have in those crappy bunks back at the safehouse." Park said as a smirk crept up her face.

Bell ran a finger on Parks cheek, making Park blush as she looked away. "Enjoy last night?"

"Loved it." Park said before giving Bell a soft kiss on the lips. Her tongue licked Bells bottom lip right before pulling away.

"I haven't asked you out to a real date so... This is me asking you out."

"I've choked on your cock, you've fucked me senseless, and you're only asking me out on a date now?" Park said, raising an eyebrow and grinning at Bell.

"Apparently, yes." Bell said, chuckling a little as he got out of bed. Park follows suit, hugging him from behind and leaning closer to his ear.

"Well, it's a yes. Let's go out somewhere." Park said softly.

"So, want anything in particular for breakfast?" Bell said, turning around and facing Park. "Honestly, I'm inclined to say your cock and your spunk, but I'm gonna say I want McDonalds for breakfast, haven't had that in a while." Park said in her sexy English accent.

"Guess we're driving. Get dressed."

Bell puts his clothes back on while Park puts her shirt back on; no bra. She reaches for her underwear, but Bell beats her to it.

"Hey! Gimme those!" Park said as she chuckled while reaching for her panties. Bell laughs as he raises his hand above his head, holding her panties up high.

He turns away and gives her underwear a quick smell, laughing afterwards. "God, you smell good." Bell said right before giving Park her panties.

Park pulls Bell in for another kiss, a sloppier one. Bells hand travelled down to her ass, smacking it firmly and making it jiggle.

"We're never gonna get out of this room if we keep this up." Bell said, smirking after the break.

"Let's get going then."

Helen Park x Bell (Black Ops Cold War)Where stories live. Discover now