Chapter 5:

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"Up, up, up!!!!! Today is the Opening Ceremony!!!" The peppy princess yelled from the other side of the door. I frowned and rolled over to the other side of the bed, putting my covers over my head in the process. I slowly drift back off to sleep.
"ARG!" I scream when I felt the covers ripped off of me.
"I said up, up, up! Today is the Opening Ceremony!!" The peppy princess said again. I groaned and sat up.
"I heard you the first time," I mumbled under my breath, "just didn't want to get up."
"What was that dear?" Janie asked. I could tell she really hadn't heard me and I was thankful.
"Nothing." I said quickly.
She shrugged. "Well I need to go wake up Justin. Luca, April, Faith, and Autumn will be in in a moment."
I nodded, and she walked out. I didn't quite know what to do so I just wondered around my room until I heard a soft knock on my door.
"Everyone decent?" I hear a gruff, but kind voice ask. I chuckled.
"Yes Luca. You can come in." I smiled to myself and in walked Luca.
"Good morning!!" He exclaimed, followed by 3 'hello's'.
"Hello and good morning to you too." I said smiling.
"Are you ready for the Opening Ceremony?" April asked.
I sighed, not answering.
"I know what it's like. Don't worry it's not as bad as it seems." I heard a new voice say. I turned my head and saw Kathy leaned against the door. She walked over.
"I figured I would do the mentor stuff for the Opening Ceremony while Luca gets you ready." Kathy said. I nodded. Luca, April, Autumn, and Faith lead me to a chair so they could get me ready, and Kathy followed. My stylists started on my hair while Kathy started talking.
"There's not much I can tell you to do for the Opening Ceremony, but there are a few things." She said. I nodded, starting to zone out of my stylists doing my hair and focusing on Kathy.
"With you being from 1 they expect you to be peppy and cheery. Happy to be here at the Hunger Games. Blood thirsty and ready to fight. If they see that out of a 14 year old, you may get a good amount of sponsors."
"But I'm not blood thirsty and I don't want to be here." I restored back.
"I know. But you need to pretend if your not really. Wave to the crowd. Blow out kisses. Be as much as a girly girl you can be, but when it comes down it, be a kick butt maniac." She smiled. And I smiled back.
"Well I think that's it." She finished. "I better get going." She headed for the door. right before she left she turned around, "Remember. Be like," she looked at the dress that I was now in, that made me look like a princess,"be like a peppy princess." And then she was gone. I started laughing. What are the odds. I have to act like Janie.
I looked in the mirror. I was stunning.
"Oh goody goody. I love it." I said, trying to get into character. Luca laughed at the face I made.
"It's not me. I'm not like this." I said sighing.
Luca came over and put a hand on my shoulder. "I know, but this is your best shot at getting sponsors."
I sighed. He's right.
I looked down at the ground. "Your right."
He gave me a half smile.
"Well we better get going peppy princess." Luca said winking.

He led me through a few hallways. I turned around to see Justin and his stylist right behind me. He was in a type of tux that a prince would wear. They sure went all out of the royal thing. I turned back around after Justin cockily winked at me. I rolled my eyes, disgusted.
A few minutes later I was standing among the many other tributes. Strange people.
"District 1. Get into your chariot. You're up." I looked over to see Kathy and Luca standing there. Kathy nodded and Luca smiled. I climbed into the chariot. Right before we left Peter came up to us. "Hold hands. Become the prince and princess dream." He said.
"Like a couple? A happy perky couple?" I asked. I don't want to be a couple with him. He's to old for me anyways.
"No." Peter smiled. "Think of it as an arranged couple. Not willingly. You won't need to act like a couple forever, just for the Opening Ceremony. If you don't like wording it couple, think of it as brother and sister."
"Yes. Hold hands and wave." Kathy said coming up. She bowed slightly, "Their royal majesties, Prince Perky and Princess Peppy. The blood thirsty royals." She smiled. "Become those people." Peter said.
Justin and I nodded.
"Good luck." Kathy and Peter said in unison, and then the chariot took off. Justin grabbed my hand and I started waving.
"Ladies and Gentlemen!!! District 1's tributes Emma Janson and Justin Lakewood. "Look at them they look like. The look like A royal family!! Brother and sister!!!!" Samuel Courtiar, the Capital's Hunger Games host, said as our chariot races through all the people who were screaming for us. Hey at least he didn't say couple....
I was waving and smiling and acting.... well like a peppy princess. Justin was waving and flashing off smiles to all the ladies, who I found were gasping and then fainting, which I found sickly funny.
The other chariots raced by, each getting a kind remark from Samuel. It wasn't terrible until I had to look at President Wheeling. I hated the guy with all my heart. It was him who made me leave my family. It was him who is going to make me fight to the death, and mostly it was him who is going to end my life.
I hate President Wheeling, and you know what? I'm going to die anyways, so why not.
Katniss Everdeen did something like this.
I want to make a difference.
I am going to make a difference in The 150th Hunger Games.

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