[Bianca and Ricardo's performance outfits above.]

"Guys," Luke called. "Band circle." The five circled up and held hands. "We don't know what brought us here, but... what we do know is that you're stars, Julie, Bianca, Ricky. And just because this is our last night together, it doesn't mean we won't be watching you three from above or-" He clicked his tongue and looked at the ground. "Now let's go rock this show. Let's give them a night that they'll be talking about til the sun comes up. Legends on three."

"One," Alex said.

"Two," Reggie counted.

"Three," Julie, Ricardo and Bianca finished.

"Legends!" the band yelled.

"That's my dad," Julie told them as a horn honked. "He's driving me and the Montoyas, so we'll see you guys soon." She, Bianca and Ricardo started leaving before pausing to turn and smile at the band. They grabbed their outfits and left.

Carlos pressed himself closer to the door, hoping he wouldn't get noticed.

He let out a breath and entered the garage and said, "Have a good show, boy band!" He clapped.

Luke knelt to the boy's level and frowned. "Who you calling boy band?"

"Carlos!" Ray called.

Carlos glanced back before facing the band again and made the 'I'm watching you' motion to the back of the studio, causing Luke to look back, before leaving.

Reggie chuckled before asking, "How did he find out about us?"

Alex turned to Reggie. "I don't know, Reg. Maybe it was the blinds. Or you know what? The blanket. It could have been any number of things you did in that house."

Luke wrapped an arm around Reggie's shoulders. "It doesn't matter, you guys. We're not coming back here anyways."

"And where was it that you think you're going?" Caleb asked, appearing on the piano.

"What are you doing here?"

Caleb gasped. "Such hostility! I'm just here to congratulate you on your big night! Not everyone gets to play the Orpheum!"

"No, no. Okay. We know that it's your stamp that's hurting us. We already told you we have a band and don't want to join your little ghost club."

"Yeah. And you can't make us either," Alex added as he stepped forward. "Sir."

"Right. You're crossing over tonight," Caleb commented. "So exciting! Funny thing about the crossover. No one really knows what's waiting on the other side. But I know what's happening on this side." He kissed his hand, blew dust at the ghosts, and they disappeared.


Ricardo, Bianca and Julie were backstage at the Orpheum, preparing in their room.

"Hey, girls, Ricky, I've got your roadie," the venue employee said.

"Come in," Julie, Bianca and Ricardo told them.

"Holograms are good to go, bosses." Flynn was followed by an employee of the venue.

Bianca smiled lightly. "Best roadie ever."

"I'll be back in a few minutes," the employee said.

"Thanks, Rob," Julie, Ricardo and Bianca replied and he left.

"You see this backstage pass? I had sushi with Brendon Urie!"

Bianca sighed. "You're so lucky."

"I'll take you to meet him after the show, B."

"Ooh yes please!"

"I know. And honestly, it'll be nice for you to have met Brendon, because then you can stop talking about how much you want to meet him!"

"Yeah, that's true. I'm gonna meet Brendon Urie!" She let out an excited squeal, causing her friends and brother to laugh.

Julie looked between them. "Good for you two. I threw up in the car on the way over here. Ricky nearly had a panic attack."

Flynn smiled. "And you still look amazing. I made friends with the tech crew. You three are gonna love what we have planned. The guys are here, right?"

Ricardo shook his head. "We haven't seen them."

"Wait. You three don't think they changed their mind and took Caleb's offer, do you?"

"No," Julie replied. "No, that's the last thing they wanted."

Flynn stood behind them and looked in the mirror. "You three are gonna kill it. We should get some snacks."

The four walked over to the couch, Flynn picked up a snack bowl, and sat.


The boys reappeared at the ghost club in new outfits.

"Well don't you look nice!" Caleb commented.

"Sweet threads," Reggie stated.

Alex asked, "How did you know our sizes?"

Luke frowned. "That's your question?"

"I know you guys aren't my biggest fans and an eternity at my club might seem overwhelming. But... I just put you in sweet threads, so humor me this one last pitch. Now, for starters, isn't it nice you're all here together? And believe me, everything you want, including Willie, is here. And on my stage, you don't vanish when the music stops. You soak in the applause for as long as you want. The connection that you will feel with the audience will be like no other." He fixed Luke's bowtie. "I promise. Oh, shh, shh. Do you hear that? They're waiting for you!"

A jolt hit them and they yelled in pain.

"That one looked like it hurt," Caleb commented. "Now, let me remind you, you don't know if playing the Orpheum is your unfinished business. Do you really have time to make that mistake? I suggest you accept my offer, because the clock is ticking." Another jolt hit them as he took a drink. "Ouch! You know where to find me." He made his way to the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back!" Caleb exclaimed and the audience cheered. "Hello, hello, hello!"

Caleb began singing. As though the music was controlling them, the ghosts started unwillingly dancing to the hypnotic beat. Alex twirled his drumstick and Caleb smirked.

Alex appeared on stage behind his drum set as the audience clapped.

Reggie was pulled onto the stage.

They appeared behind the twins as Reggie played on his bass. He glanced at his tattoo to see the black coloring, but nothing more. It seemed that whenever he played with Bianca, life was brought into him; so to speak.

Luke started walking towards the stage. He shook his head, trying to fight the call of the music. He ended up on stage and played a solo on his electric guitar. The audience cheered.

Caleb continued scatting.

The song ended and the audience cheered once again. Caleb bowed and gestured to the ghosts.

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