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[Bianca and Ricardo's performance outfits above.]

Luke popped back into the garage. He looked around at Julie, Ricardo and the boys practicing with a confused look. Bianca was standing back with a slightly nervous expression.

Luke stood. "Whoa, Julie, Ricky."

Julie glanced up and said, "Grab your guitar. We got work to do."

Luke grabbed his guitar and put the strap over his shoulder.

"What made you two come back?" Luke wondered, stepping closer to Julie and Ricardo.

"Ricky and I realized how important music is to all of us, and we've lost so much already. We can't lose this, too. By the way, Ricky can see you guys now."


Julie and Luke shared an intense look of understanding, appreciation, and possibly more. Bianca smiled, seeing their look. She glanced at Reggie and the two shared a small smile.

"All right, bosses, where we at?" Luke questioned.

Julie smiled. "Oh, and by the way, happy birthday." She chuckled. "Let's go from the pre-chorus."

Alex tapped his drumsticks together. "One, two, three, four."


After rehearsal, Julie made her way back into the house, where she found Carlos taking pictures of the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Julie asked.

"Looking for those orb things," Carlos replied. "I'm telling you, this place is haunted. Every time I open my laptop, it's on some... rock music site. That ain't me, you know I'm all about the rap."


"I'm just trying to protect you."

Julie went to walk away, but was stopped by Carlos. "Oh, I'd be careful in there. Dad has that look on his face like when Google Maps tells him to turn on the wrong street."

She kept walking, but was intercepted by Ray who had his arms crossed as he asked, "Care to tell me why you missed your first three classes today?"

"I overslept at Flynn's house after the dance," Julie replied.

"There was nothing going on in those classes anyways. It won't happen again. I promise." She walked past Ray.

"Okay." Julie grabbed a pillow and sat on the couch. "But if I know you missed class, it's only a matter of time before..." Ray was cut off.

The front door opened and Julie's aunt sighed and said, "I came as fast as I could."


"Julie, I will not let you fall into the gutter of life."

"Tia, I'm fine," Julie replied. "I just overslept. And me and Dad already talked about it."

Her aunt scoffed. "You are far from fine, sobrina. I called your teacher. She said you missed a calculus test."

Ray frowned. "Nothing going on, huh?"

"Dad, I'm so sorry," Julie apologized.

"This is where you punish her," the aunt said.

"I know," Ray answered. "Julie... no more going out on school nights."

"But, Dad, tonight-" Julie protested.

Julie's aunt cleared her throat. "And go to your room." Her aunt cleared her throat again. "What else? What? And... and read. Study. Calculus. Go! Now!"

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