Chapter 27 : little angel

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Asuna POV

Ten days later

It was about 5am and I was up, now a little more adjusted to Aiko's feeding schedule. I set an alarm for exactly the time her bright eyes opened.

"Good morning my sweet girl." Kirito awed and placed a soft kiss on her cheek, picking her up out of her little bed.

"Ahem?" I fake coughed then cleared my throat earning a light laugh from him. He sat next to me and pecked my lips. "Good morning my love."

I grinned while taking her out of his arms.

Usually we take turns, I wake up and feed her then he wakes up the next time to give her a bottle unless we're both awake. This time though.. Kirito decided to wake up along with me.

At first I thought it was just to keep me company but after noticing the look in his eyes as I was about to adjust my hospital gown to feed Aiko, I realized what he really woke up to see.

My face deadpanned, watching him boldly stare at my chest. They were still covered, just a bit of my cleavage visible yet he was stuck in a daze.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. A-Aren't you uh.. aren't you gonna um.." he cleared his throat, "aren't you gonna feed her?" His eyes finally left the comfort of my chest to meet my blank stare.


"You are unbelievable."

He chuckled awkwardly, a light blush touching his cheeks as he scratched his neck. I rolled my eyes. The dumbass was still fighting against everything to keep his eyes on my face and not my chest.

I ignored the man-baby then fed my actual baby who was actually hungry.

He shamelessly eyed my chest with a childish grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and flicked his forehead. He furrowed his eyebrows then rubbed the spot I flicked.

"What's wrong with me staring at your boobs?!"

"Have some decorum."

We shared a laugh then engaged in a light conversation. I was still really tired so he continued to talk to me in order to keep me awake.

It's been ten days since I've woken up and as the time passed, I could feel my strength coming back. I felt better and more energized with every day that went by. And on the days that I don't feel too great? I tell Kirito and then he pampers me even more than he already does.

He's been so absolutely sweet. Despite me making him upset a few days ago, he's been incredibly gentle and soft like I'd break at any given moment.

I feel like I fall even more in love with him every single day. Is that even possible? My heart feels swollen and absolutely full.

"Hey.. you okay?" He brushed my hair over my shoulder and looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah. I'm great actually."

"You kinda spaced out for a bit." He frowned. I chuckled and squished his cheeks.

"I'm fine. I promise." I grinned earning a small smile from him. He nodded then placed a long deep kiss on my forehead. "You worry about me too much."

"How could I not?"

"I should be worried about you. This room is freezing yet you sleep shirtless." I spoke as he scooted off the bed onto his feet.

He laughed while grabbing a sweatshirt and throwing it on, "I'm hot though so it doesn't matter."

"You're an idiot." He brushed me off and continued to dress as I raised Aiko on my chest to burp her. I patted her back softly while Kirito walked over to me, kissing my cheek once more.

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