Arc 2: Chapter 4: Waltz

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Who knew it was possible for a painting to have such sass? 

"I was simply minding my own business, rearranging my famous cheeseboard as one does." She pulled out a wooden platter that was filled with multiple green glowing kinds of cheese. "When out of nowhere, a student wanders up to my portrait with a wooden sword in their grip! Of course, I interrogated him precisely what he was doing and why he had such a thing but he didn't show any recognition of me! Then they lifted the sword and slashed right through me! Oh, it was horrendous!" She began to uncontrollably sob. "He-he ran away to the upper levels as I fled for my life to another portrait for safety."

I grabbed Severus's sleeve and dragged him away to a more secluded corner away from the weeping Greta.

"Doesn't it sound like what Dumbledore said happened to that girl? Losing full autonomy of their bodies and doing things they never would have done otherwise? It could be Ruberion!" 

"Quite," Severus replied as he readjusted his cloak from me pulling. "Their lack of response may be from his influence but there is no conclusive proof. Without knowing just who said student was, it is impossible to confirm our theory."  

I felt somewhat deflated but he was correct at the end of the day. It was a lead but a lead can always be mistaken. Plus, if we were wrong, it could throw everything into chaos when it was all a misunderstanding.

As we continued to discuss our next plan of action, a group of Slytherins dressed in bright green face paint and carrying large banners dashed past. They noticed Snape right away and ran even faster before he could reprimand them. 

"I guess that's our cue to get headed to the stands." I prompted and we made our way outside.


This was hardly my first time seeing the Quidditch pitch as I frequently saw it on my walks, but I had never observed it with such vigour pouring out from inside and outside. Floods of people were all herding towards the pitch's interior and from the hill, I could see so many flags supporting Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The calls of excitement were almost deafening and we were hardly anywhere close yet!

My heart began to accelerate with mild anxiety. I had never been in such intense conditions before... Nervously, I reached for Severus's hand and grasped it firmly. At first, he seemed unsure if we should do such action in public.

"Dumbledore gave us his blessing. It's about time we make it at least somewhat public." I submitted to which he passively agreed. It made me happy to finally stop pretending we were less than we were simply because we were afraid of what others would think.

There were a few surprised looks and some students whispering "I knew it!" to each other but it turned out that people have a lot else on their minds than if two adults are together. Kind of crazy how good the world is when people pay attention to their own business, huh?


The pitch itself was a large oval-shaped arena with three large rings that towered high in the air on both sides. Across the entirety of the field's circumference stood tall stands decorated with the colours of Ravenclaw or Slytherin in preparation for the match. If one were to fall from the stand, it would likely be fatal. Some of the more timid observers preferred to watch from the lower rim but the view was less suitable and had no seating.

For my first ever match, I wanted to experience it all. That included climbing the wooden structure of the pitch that ricketed from every step. The vast majority of spectators were now settled into their positions which left Severus and I one of the last to make their way to the top of the tower. Severus climbed the stairs in front of me but kept a close eye to make sure I was following without issue. Almost at the top, I pressed my foot onto one more step.

Always For You. [Snape Romance] [Harry Potter]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora