Chapter 6 ~ The Obake

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Hello and welcome to Chapter 6. Thanks to everyone who has been reading so far. I'm glad that you enjoy it.

I recently self published the entire story, so you can now the paperback via Amazon! I known that some of you can't afford or buy books, but some public libaries will often purchase books via recommendations, so you can always try and get your public libary to buy it for you.

Chapter 6

I followed Kurumi to the edge of town where there was nothing but trees. We ran until the cement path became dirt and pebbles.

I thought she would have heard my footsteps pounding behind her, but she was too engrossed in her destination. Every now and again she would pull out her cell phone and quickly glance at the screen before dashing off again.

We kept running until I could hear the voices of the other exorcists from somewhere beyond the trees.

“I don't know what you're waiting for, let's just attack now,” came the obnoxious voice of Itsuki.

“No, we should wait for it to make the first move, we don't know what we're dealing with,” said Taisei.

“You're just scared because the last one took a chunk out of your arm,” Itsuki replied.

Kurumi picked up speed and I wasn't far behind, within a matter of seconds she burst through the trees and was out in an open field. I decided things would be best if I didn't draw attention, so I hung back and hid myself behind a bush. I pushed the branches apart and peeked through the leaves to get a better view. The rest of the exorcists were already there. Taisei, Nina, Mana, Itsuki, Kiyori, and Souta were gathered around in a circle staring at something I couldn't see.

“Kurumi, thank godyou're here!” Yelled Taisei

“Someone was late. Was there a sale at the mall?”

“Shut your face Itsuki!”

I was so excited, I could finally see a real life Obake and witness my first exorcism. I expected them to be dressed in special clothes and carrying mystical weapons, but compared to my day dreams they looked more like they were going home from club activities.

Taisei and Mana were holding wooden poles which were similar to those used in the Kendo club. Nina was holding a bow and arrow (which probably came from the archery club) and Kiyori looked like he was prepared to cut down a tree with a single ax in his hand. Itsuki and Souta weren't holding anything, so maybe they intended to beat the Obake to death.

I caught a glance of a small raccoon in the center of the circle. It didn't look anything like the monster Taisei showed me on his phone, and it looked more like a tiny raccoon trembling in fear.

I stared in confusion and began to wonder if what Taisei told me was the truth, or a funny lie made up to mess with me. What if Obake didn't really exist after all? What if the teenagers who I had mistaken for having mystic powers, were actually just a bunch of weird kids? Maybe they were all in a make-believe club which ran around the forest pretending to be exorcists and killing animals. I was embarrassed by how easily I had believed their strange fantasies.

I felt pity for the raccoon. I thought it was going to be beaten to death, so I decided to intervene.

I walked out of the trees with both hands up to show that I meant no harm.

“Hey guys,” I said while trying to appear casual and relaxed. I thought it was the best way to convey my voice of reason.

They all spun around and stared at me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 05, 2013 ⏰

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