Chapter 1 | Part 2: Awakening

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It was cold and dark. Renji opened his eyes only to find himself lying down in a dark shrine. A large, dark entity was seated on a throne before him. Where was Renji? It was obvious that his consciousness was somewhere else because his body was clearly not in good shape. Where was Renji? He wasn't sure, but it was better than dying and spawning in a random nothingness. After getting up, he scanned the area around him. He was inside a pocket dimension. A very dark one, it looked like a complete void. Renji's body was shaking, even though he strangely was not scared. Was it instinctive? After dying once, he wasn't really scared of dying again. Death was not painful at all, but that may just be because of the adrenaline rush he was feeling. Devilish laughter was heard in the background, followed by a deep voice.

 Devilish laughter was heard in the background, followed by a deep voice

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"Welcome, cursed child. Renji, is it?" The entity on the throne was speaking directly to Renji. With its pair of glowing purple eyes, its death stare made Renji's body stop. Even his breathing stopped. The sheer intimidation of the entity's presence before him was enough to make a God tremble.

"You thought you'd meet a God after death, didn't you? Too bad." The entity rested its elbows on the armrests of the throne.

"Firstly, you are not dead yet, and secondly, what God would want to see your face? You are simply a commoner with no affinity to godlike mana. Your body refuses to accept it." Those words cut Renji very deeply. The teen looked down at his feet in despair and sadness. The fact that he wasn't even dead made it even sadder. His lack of potential angered him, but he couldn't really change that. His lips quivered, and he had to take a few minutes to build up the courage to speak.

"Why? Why can't I be gifted as well?" Renji shouted out at the entity before him. A tear rolled down his right cheek. Damn, it felt nasty. He hated crying, and it felt like he was crying all day.

"This world wasn't built fairly. This world was built in order to hold an experiment. Can a god befriend a demon? Four weak entities of each race had spawned on this place you call "earth" in order to seize peace between the two races. It was not an easy feat. The races created a wall between each other and lived their lives alone, not wanting to befriend each other. The Gods used their mana to control sacred magic, controlling the natural elements and creating a wonderful landscape. The demons used their mana to control dark magic, controlling destructive elements in order to destroy for entertainment. The gods were had grown to be stronger because they formed a large population fast, meanwhile, the demons selfishly focused on making their individual self mightier. The demons had made a big mistake. The gods formed an army in order to take down the demons in order to seize more land to build on, which was successful. The demons had been wiped out from the face of the earth. After millions and millions of years, the gods lost their power due to them being very little of use. Magic was solely used for hunting, which meant that evolution "locked down" the dormant power of the gods, which now brings us to this timeline. Humans are the descendants of the first lesser gods on earth." 

The entity's eyes looked rather depressed after telling that story. He had watched his kin die horrible deaths after all. Regardless of what the entity said, it did not make a lot of sense to Renji. He barely understood all of it. It gave Renji a strong headache, his brain could not comprehend that story. It changed his entire view of this world. Were demons really the villains in this story, or did the Gods do what was necessary? Tons of questions popped up in his mind, but it was one question that stood out and actually meant something. After mumbling for a few seconds, he finally had the ability to bring the question into words.

"Why am I powerless?" Renji wasn't able to finish his sentence before the entity seated before him interrupted.

"Your ancestors are of the demon race. During the war between the gods and the demons, a few demons had escaped in order to hold their bloodline alive. You cannot unlock sacred magic. You can unlock something even mightier... and I, Azaroth will make sure of that." A demonic smile appeared on Azaroth's face. A sinister smile. It was like he was waiting for this moment. This child will bring terror upon this world, he thought. The boy's eyes were now wide open in surprise. He fell to his knees at the thought of himself being related to a demon. Warmth started to fill his body, it felt like his entire body was being zapped by electricity. Renji's right eye started to hurt. He quickly placed a hand on the eye, pressurizing the hand onto the eye, trying to ease the pain, but it would not fade away. Renji's right eye glowed a strong purple, and the feeling of sheer power was streaming through his veins. The feeling of magic filling his veins to the brim gave him intense pain everywhere, and it gave him a mental shock. The world that he lived in was completely changed. Renji's consciousness was slowly fading, but with the last drop of power he had in his body, he clenched his fist and muttered a word. 

"How?" He said before he collapsed.

It was time for Renji to rise to power.

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