Chapter 24

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Jenny decides to clean the shop before it opens. So she takes the broom and starts sweeping. It was a bright and sunny day. She could see people happily walking and talking, children playing around and having fun and the shops opening. It was calming.

She then dusts the shelves and throws away the old flowers and plants in the composting tub. She wipes the windows clean. After looking around and finding the shop clean, she decides to clean the lounge. It wasn't really dirty since she cleaned it every day. But she still wanted to clean it. She wanted to keep herself distracted. She didn't want to think about what happened earlier. Thinking about it made her heart beat like crazy and it made her blush. She looks at the clock. It was nine. The delivery man had already delivered the flowers a while ago. She didn't know if she had to wait for him to come to arrange the flowers. But the shop must be open sharp at nine.

*Where is he?*

She was somewhat glad that he didn't come back early since she had enough time to gather herself. But he told her he'd be back before nine. She sighs as she arranges the flowers in the order Jacob had once told her to arrange.

Ten minutes later and she finished her task. But still no Jacob. He hasn't come back yet. Strange... should she call him? Jacob was never this late...she narrows her eyes in thought. Why was she so worried? Did she care about him? Of course she did! She cared deeply about him. She liked him. He is a good guy. He is everything she could dream of...but the fact that he likes her, a broken girl was hard to take in. A perfect guy like him with a broken girl like her. She sighs.

The door opens and Jenny turns around to greet her customer. Her blood runs cold.


Jacob skips back to the shop, a plastic bag in his hand. He felt giddy. He kissed her twice on the forehead. And he ran away. He didn't even explain. And he's late. He told her he'll be back by nine but it's twenty minutes past nine. Jenny will surely be waiting for an explanation. And that's why he took some time to go back.

What should he tell her? That he likes her? Wouldn't that be too straightforward? What if it's too soon? What if she doesn't like him back? What if she complains to her brothers? Would they beat the crap out of him? He was sure they would. Worst, what if she thinks of him as a pervert? That would be so bad.

Something in him told that she'd like him back but he didn't want to take a risk. But one thing for sure. He liked her. Scratch that. He loved her. He never believed in love at first sight. Not until he saw her. At first he thought she was beautiful. But the more time they spent together, he fell for her soul. He fell for her heart. And he felt that her looks were just a bonus point for him. Like a cherry on top. She was beautiful inside and out.

But she was broken. He knew that. He saw pieces of it and he instantly knew. He was no fool. He didn't know her whole story, other than her cheating mom and her bullies. But he wanted to know. He wanted all of her. He wanted to be a part of it all. Her happiness and her sadness. He wanted to be a part of her life. He wanted to help her. He would find all of her broken pieces and fix them if he had to. Why? Because she deserved it. His chocolate deserved it. His beautiful chocolate deserved someone like that for her. If he had to, he'd do everything to make her happy. He was willing to. And for that he had to win her first. And he wasn't going to give up. Never.

He smiles as he nears the shop. He enters through the back door and keeps the bag on the couch, excited to see her and also a little nervous. What if she hits him? He laughed at that thought. His laughter fades away when he looks at the counter through the door.

His blood boils when he sees her handing over a rose to a guy. She even smiled at him. He walks over to them. Was he jealous? Oh hell yes he was! Even though he wasn't supposed to. But it all fades away when he sees who it was.


He smiles as he walks over to them. He shouldn't worry. Daniel has a lover. He buys a single rose for her everyday. He must love that person so much.

“Hey Daniel!” Jacob beams as he stands beside Jenny, holding her hand. It was wet. And cold. Was she sweating?

“Jacob! Hi! How come I didn't see you first today?” Daniel smiles, not noticing him holding her hand.

“Ohh..I went out for a little shopping..the queues were long today.”

“Ahh….I see y'all have a new employee here..” Daniel eyes Jenny, who looks away, cowering. Jacob narrows his eyes at her, as if trying to ask her what's wrong through his eyes.

“Ahh yeah...she's our new help. Part-timer for the summer.” He looks at Jenny again. Why was she shaking? Something is wrong. Something happened here. He feels himself tense. He bends over to her.

“Chocolate. Go in and wait for me okay?” He whispers in her ear. She didn't have to be told twice. She quickly went in, shutting the door behind her.

He looks at Daniel, his eyes narrowing.

“Did something happen? Did you do anything to her?”

Daniel looks at him in surprise.

“I didn't do anything to her! I don't even know why she's shaking...” He answers, shaking a little. Jacob sighs. Of course, what would Daniel ever do to her?

“I'm so's just that I don't want her to get hurt.” He rubs his forehead.

“It's okay. I understand. She's lucky to have you as her boyfriend..” Daniel smiles, patting his shoulder.

“Thank you, but she's not my girlfriend.” He forces a smile.

“Don't worry, y'all will be together soon.” Daniel smiles, genuinely.

“Hmm..thank you. Is there anything else you need?”

“Nope. This rose is all I need.”Daniel smiles.

“Wow. The person you love must be really lucky to receive a rose everyday. You're a great boyfriend!” Jacob laughs, missing the flash of pain that passed through Daniel's eyes.

“Thank you. I'll leave now. See you tomorrow!” He smiles as turns around and walks out.

Jacob just waves as he watches him walk out.

Daniel sighs as he looks at the single rose in his hand. It looked so beautiful. He loved the roses from this shop, always beautiful. He managed to befriend the friendly guy at the store. He is nice. It was a shock to him that Jenny worked there too..

*UGH.. don't think about that brat...*

He looks down at the rise as tears form in his eyes.

*I wish you were here with me.*


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