A/N~ Not an update

536 22 4

Heyyyy lovess, though it's been a month I would still love to say Happy new year and may 2022 be one of your best years!

First of of all thank you all for 2000+ reads ughhh I love you all thanks so much I never expected this to be honest.

Secondly, I'm sure some of you are wondering why I'm not consistent in updating or it's been a while since I updated trust me I feel bad.

I'll be writing my final high school  exam very soon ( in about 6 months time) and I'm doing my best studying as much as I can to pass with flying colours so I wouldn't be able to update any time soon.

I know some of you are sad or annoyed but trust me by October I would start updating again.

To make things worse I attend a boarding school where gadgets are prohibited so I still wouldn't be able to use a phone there🤦🏾‍♀️

And don't forget me in your prayers I really want all As in all my subjects🥺🤧.

Also don't forget to vote, comment and please please pleaseeeeee share🥺. I'll come back very soon.



LOVE IN CHAINSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя